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General Discussion Nussberg (EN92)


Tribal Wars 2 Team
Dear players,

This thread was created with the special purpose of promoting a healthy discussion space regarding general matters of the Nussberg realm. In this line, please bear in mind our forum rules when you post your comments.

Have great discussions!
Your Tribal Wars 2 Team
My comment have been deleted for 4th time know.

I basically Write that i will cheat this realm too and the devs wont do anything about it because they dont care as long as i pay money too.
I have spoken to many people in the previous world about Sch013 in particular and it's sad to see that a whole world can be ruined by one or two players. Like wow, the stories I heard of the first days of him having 10 nobles like what is this... it's destroying the game you spent so much time creating. It's very sad the mods are not responding to this thread to explain their point of view. What's the point of a forum with mods if you can't have a chat with them and give them feedback? Make the game a little more balanced because, in the long run, you will make more money. Maybe come out with a world without the ability to buy stuff that will benefit you, idk bc it's getting bad.

PS: don't delete this message like Vorzakone, I will paste it back easily and check every day.
unfortunately cheating is the only way to get along this game nowadays anyways... no one wants to farm manually and having to refresh your browser every 5 attacks lol
They could try to balance things out like removing the ability to crown buildings and troops. The essence of this game is that things take time (for everyone) and to see the aspect of time be destroyed kinda ruins the core of this game.
Let's say I manage to destroy your walls and army. That opens up the possibility of sending a train or nobles as a reward for my patience, but if the opponent can crown his walls and instantly build a defense, it kinda ruins the aspect of TIME. idk if I'm making sense here haha

The only way you should be able to defend is if you get support, not crown.

For me it's really when you destroy the core aspect of the game that the game loses its identity and players start leaving...
ye dog mrt, same thing every world. When will they realise a mechanic called tribe levels exists? And that when you are one uniform tribe your members are more likely to believe in the mission and donate crowns for tribe levels? Which attracts higher level players so you don't need to spam invites to every dog-tier player on the server?

and that when they create 2 tribes they reduce the chances members will donate and they'll collectively be weaker? If dog OSG founders are reading, you need to just be in touch with your MRT skills and build one tribe of 70 members. Then you will actually have a high tribe level.

Find your inner-most mass-recruit skills. Hone them. Embrace them. 70 members day one and become cannon fodder for the rest of the game.

How are you guys founding the same tribe and making the same mistakes... Every. single. world? So braindead

It frustrates me because they just make worlds so uncompetitive.

1) Recruit any randomer and divide them into two tribes, reducing overall tribe levels and teamwork
2) Get smashed to oblivion when BP drops
3) Be destroyed by mid-game at which point the world winning tribe gobbles up huge territory and power
4) Lose world



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How to build a world-winning tribe from day 1.

1) Invite your existing network of players from previous realms you know are competent, committed, and active


1a) Bankroll walking paths buff to 10. Convince players who are showing competence to join you (VERY DIFFICULT WITHOUT TW2 TOOLS) or include something on your tribe profile that instils some belief that you're the right leader who's actually serious about winning the world. The best players will come to you. But you also need to be skilled in identifying prospects. Recruitment is the biggest decider of the outcome of a world, if you don't recruit effectively then you have 0 chance. Do not pay any attention to your tribes rank. When you execute on your vision, you'll be rank 1.

If you can't do either of these things (or both) then you shouldn't be founding a tribe.

2) Keep the tribe member limit as small as possible and only increase it when solid members are queuing to join, this will reinforce teamwork and communication. A few highly-active players working in close unity and synergy will destroy most tribes. Be ruthless in kicking members from your tribe who do not meet the overall expectations - standards are everything, and you will ideally be leading by example by being a high-ranking player. This commands respect from your existing members. They need to know you're serious about taking them to a world victory and that you have the experience to do so. They also need to know that you're willing to cut the slack and bring in the talent to replace them if they don't meet the tribe's expectations (which should be high).
2a) When YOU call for support in specific locations, follow-up with the member and ask for a list of names of those who didn't send. Call them out and let them know that not sending support isn't gonna cut it.

3) Keep your existing members happy, focused, and working on specific goals. Encourage them to communicate with others and work on specific targets e.g. winning their hub province, attacking a specific player/province. Disable barb nobling. The top players don't want their barbs being nobled and understand there is far more value in conquering/catting active player villages. Barb nobling is straight up just shooting yourself in the foot. For so many reasons. DO NOT ALLOW BARB NOBLING.
3a) BAN VP HUNTING!!! If you have individuals in your tribe who are just freeloading off the success of others and playing for ranks through VPs... you need to get them in line and focussed on taking out high-priority targets. If someone in your tribe is sitting on a low amount of bashpoints and is just scraping up inactives/low threats for VPs you need to identify that and get them putting those nobles to use. The VP player rankings are sickening btw - but that's for another time.
3b) Keep communication flowing at all times, a tribe chat is compulsory. You'll also need to be communicating with your members in updates or decisions you've made. Let them know why you chose to do X diplomacy, and what terms. Talk about the progress you're making. Be a leader.

4) Continue to make effective strategic decisions. The world is your chessboard. Your decisions affect the outcome of the world. Be smart in your recruitment strategies (try to recruit in specific areas, avoid recruiting from enemy tribes at all costs, recruiting from dying tribes can be advantageous but never recruit someone your tribe is/can devour themselves.)
4a) Make effective diplomacy. If there is a tribe that is identical to yours coming out of BP e.g. highly skilled and active players, high tribe level. Consider an NAP and devour MRTs and outgrow them. Aside from that you shouldn't be doing diplomacy with anyone for long periods of time. Early-mid game should be considered the 'growth stage' of your tribe. Do not limit your member's ability to grow and the late-game will be over before it's even begun.

5) Understand the entire world. Know which tribes are growing, which tribes are losing... which areas you are most vulnerable, or where you're strongest. Play towards your strengths, and reinforce your weaknesses. CONTROL THE CORE ASAP. This is the primary goal of a tribe made in the early game. Huge benefits come from controlling the core. After that coordinate your members on working on specific goals like a player, or a portion of the map. If you're more dominant in the North-East then you need to instruct your members to gain complete control of it. Safe havens and creating a solid frontline are so important.

6) Keep your tribe organised by setting up relevant infrastructure that allows them to just get on with the game without major micro-managing. But don't be afraid to micro-manage individuals who aren't quite meeting expectations. Just steer them into doing what you know is strategically optimal for the tribe. In the early game, province chats. In the mid game you'll wanna setup a squad system based on the locality of your members and the pathways they want to/you want them to take. Assign squad leaders to monitor the participation of individuals on a more micro-level than you can't holistically see. Be aware that squads tend to dissipate and alter as the world progresses. You could experiment with a unit system whereby one group tries to work on the same objectives all game, but what tends to happen is that some people can't keep up with the pace of others. Squads serve their purpose but they become redundant after a certain period of time. The best thing to do is to just encourage active communicators within the tribe. In my experience, I've found much more enjoyment and success just messaging local tribemates for specific operations. Once the op is done, we all move on and look for the next play.

Anyways congratulations you're all now far better at founding tribes and leading them :) If I return for the next Domination world, then I hope you will give me the competition I require, because W90 was incredibly easy, largely due to the sheer inability of tribe founders to structure and organise threatening tribes!!

Enjoy the world

also you'll need to be this guy for a few months
Nice write up. Some valid points for sure. I don’t have paths to 10, just 8. Funny thing is people don’t look at tribe points before just jumping to the one with the highest member count. Heh. I’m just farming with a couple buddies. Won thief and only player with over 100k gathered ‍♂️
ye dog mrt, same thing every world. When will they realise a mechanic called tribe levels exists? And that when you are one uniform tribe your members are more likely to believe in the mission and donate crowns for tribe levels? Which attracts higher level players so you don't need to spam invites to every dog-tier player on the server?

and that when they create 2 tribes they reduce the chances members will donate and they'll collectively be weaker? If dog OSG founders are reading, you need to just be in touch with your MRT skills and build one tribe of 70 members. Then you will actually have a high tribe level.

Find your inner-most mass-recruit skills. Hone them. Embrace them. 70 members day one and become cannon fodder for the rest of the game.

How are you guys founding the same tribe and making the same mistakes... Every. single. world? So braindead

It frustrates me because they just make worlds so uncompetitive.

1) Recruit any randomer and divide them into two tribes, reducing overall tribe levels and teamwork
2) Get smashed to oblivion when BP drops
3) Be destroyed by mid-game at which point the world winning tribe gobbles up huge territory and power
4) Lose world



Ahhahaj. Are you played with us? May you dont know what saying
this u.png


This you?
What about the choi cheats and their "Love-Peace" province
Still not gonna deal with them at all?
Keep deleting my posts all you like, but people will see them and know you encourage cheating if they pay enough
3) Keep your existing members happy, focused, and working on specific goals. Encourage them to communicate with others and work on specific targets e.g. winning their hub province, attacking a specific player/province. Disable barb nobling. The top players don't want their barbs being nobled and understand there is far more value in conquering/catting active player villages. Barb nobling is straight up just shooting yourself in the foot. For so many reasons. DO NOT ALLOW BARB NOBLING.
3a) BAN VP HUNTING!!! If you have individuals in your tribe who are just freeloading off the success of others and playing for ranks through VPs... you need to get them in line and focussed on taking out high-priority targets. If someone in your tribe is sitting on a low amount of bashpoints and is just scraping up inactives/low threats for VPs you need to identify that and get them putting those nobles to use. The VP player rankings are sickening btw - but that's for another time.
3b) Keep communication flowing at all times, a tribe chat is compulsory. You'll also need to be communicating with your members in updates or decisions you've made. Let them know why you chose to do X diplomacy, and what terms. Talk about the progress you're making. Be a leader.
The "no barb nobling" went out the door when they introduced "pay to play" - that's TW1 and early TW2 mentality - every barb is now a weakness in any province you control
EN11, my tribe controlled a whole province, only had one barb - and we didn't take all the barbs the previous occupier did before we invaded
One morning, that 1 barb has lvl 3 church and lvl 20 walls and the whole province is being invaded
This is what they have encouraged and allowed, they could easily disable barb nobling if they chose, but it's a source of money for Inno at this stage