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STR vs TDB War Decleration


At 1:16:42AM on Saturday the 24th of March #TeamStrong declared war on The Devils Brigade with the following message to TDB's entire tribe.

"Dear TDB,
Us here at STR would like to tell you a story.

This story is about a village. This village was at the base of a dam and had many happy children in it. The children played games and enjoyed life, but one day a great storm brew and the children all ran inside. They felt safe in their houses, but little did they know that the dam was breaking. As soon as the dam broke waters rushed down into the valley and through the village. the children who didnt die from the debris watched in horror as they saw other children dead, trees and wood piercing through their bodies, as they washed along with the currents. many children drowned and few survived this rush of water. It indeed was a happy day. The water finally was set free, no longer held back by the human dam.

You see in this story your tribe is the village and the children are your players and we are the water finally set free to rush over you and claim what is rightfully ours.

Happy Wars.


yours truely SL"

War has been declared rank 4 tribe vs rank 2 tribe. time for Rim wars to commence. hope you all enjoy.



we realize we aren't the only ones at war with them. we just like official declerations like tribes did in the ole days of tribalwars 1. but now i think TDB is in trouble with our two tribes fighting on both sides haha


So you consider your tribe to be water but when you think of it water does not really go anywhere. It only moves from one location to another, It cannot grow as like all materials it is limited and although it may do damage along its journey of relocation the damage can always be repaired.
So I say bring on the war but first let us all sit down and boil the water and have a nice cup of tea or coffee which ever you prefer.
Looking forward to seeing you on the battle field.


Yes war. War is always fun. Somebody should make a map of these two tribes so we can watch the progress of the war.


How to get the map to just show up instead of the link?


Use the image-icon over the text field (nr 6 from the right)




I like the declaration! Good bit of PnP, maybe add some pictures to go with it to make it more pretty on the eye for a future one :D


I like the declaration! Good bit of PnP, maybe add some pictures to go with it to make it more pretty on the eye for a future one :D
No worries this was just me being short and simple with my war decleration. But in the future ill be more inventive with my PnP. I just know in the BETA servers for TW2 we lacked external forum PnP and i was the only one doing anything. but you will see me on here now with other posts in the future. I like having a lively external forum.


Bit of advise when making maps. Be sure to have it in a black background it makes it easier to see the map.



so as you can see from the map posted before hand STR vs TDB specifically has 2 fronts. the main front and then a front involving some STR members being behind TDB enemy lines.

The main front:
the mainf front as be kind of a stalemate the past two weeks. the initial operation on that area by STR yeilded vicsi losing his main and nothing else really. some new recruits of STR have been targetted but that is mostly due to them not being apart of the pre war support that went out. overall TDB has made a few more nobles against us... i think they are at +1 on that front.

The inner front:
This front is a suprise. the massively outnumbers STR seem to be unstopabble in this region. Don has been taking names and numbers with miguel. how I am still alive I do not know but I even was able to take a village in my outnumbers province. attatched is a map that illustrates how screwed i should be. the arrow is me. those two side by side dots. the northern dot are gone that guy got banned before the war.

so overall this war has started off slow but it is a major war that is early game so it is usually how it happens.


  • me in tw2.png
    me in tw2.png
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seems TDB is falling down.....i knew that from the moment i saw how they are spread on the map :)

Yeah, literally just a recipe for disaster! I reckon the front liners will be rimmed, but it won't be the end since they're all spaced out. It'll be like a spillage of salt in a fresh wound :D