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goes to show the truth doesn't solve anything lol reports were given who cares dude gonna get rimmed anyways :D

leader of of nightmare of the castle great leadership skills they endorse protecting refugees! prolly wouldn't trust these guys with diplomacy

Luiciferis has written:
One of our guys said you were farming . I want proof not words.

Agent.pain has written:
wow for real nice manners there i'm happy to give you whatever you need!

here is my first clear of him hit him with one noble then all of a sudden this guy who has been tribeless this whole time bam is in your tribe

Luiciferis has written:
Sorry. I finally woke up without a migraine and someone was claiming you were being a drama queen and rubbing in lies and rumors. My migraine is back and I'm a little short tempered. I'll show these to my council. Thank you.

Agent.pain has written:
u guys issued war with us after u sent me this i don;t get it?

Luiciferis has written:
Agent.pain has written:
u guys issued war with us after u sent me this i don;t get it?

Yeah if your diplomat could contact us, that'd be great :)

Agent.pain has written:
u contacted me i'm mediating the situation i gave u proof and u guys want more aggression thats not beign diplomatic thats trying to use force i'm one person attacking you guys not my whole tribe have you ever ran a tribe and won a world i have i been a foot solider,a diplomat,a war commdor,a leader and a founder

if you were that worried you should of contacted us when i first attacked him guess what that was after i had already been attackign him then u let him join your tribe reinforce him then wondering why i'm beine a drama queen are you being serious right now

you guys made this part of your tribes problem i didn't come attacking u guys for nothing

Luiciferis has written:
I see why your tribe is named Drama lol

Luiciferis has written:
Have it your way. Diplomacy.... over.

Agent.pain has written:
Luiciferis has written:
I see why your tribe is named Drama lol

lol liek u were gonna anyways

Agent.pain has written:
u guys reinforced a tribeless player who was getting nob;ed ask any leader of any tribe they would say that is disrespectful

Agent.pain has written:
could care less he will be gone soon
Perhaps you should reach out to those that have tried diplomacy with your tribe in the past. We did try talking to your tribe much earlier in the servers life. All it would of taken was a simple "Hey, I was farming that player." Yet... you guys never did. In fact, you still refused to talk to us up to that point.

...Then you wonder why you got the reaction you did?
I should also add that there never was any indication that you were "farming" this player at all, until I demanded proof to settle a rumor that had just begun flaring up moments before I messaged you... after you had tried nobbling a few of my players. This was DAYS after they had joined us.


God your cry like a little girl so much Luic. So matter of fact, too.


not just copy and pasted the mail, but also copy and posted the quotes. we get the read the same shit twice


Perhaps you should reach out to those that have tried diplomacy with your tribe in the past. We did try talking to your tribe much earlier in the servers life. All it would of taken was a simple "Hey, I was farming that player." Yet... you guys never did. In fact, you still refused to talk to us up to that point.

...Then you wonder why you got the reaction you did?

I am OG and probably biased but do you not check your recruitment material? I mean, I get that the zerg shit WF/GA are doing seems to be popular nowadays but you'd think that people would want to have at least some standards. You accepted a refugee without vetoing the person, got actual proof that he is a refugee and your reaction is this? I mean... suit yourself I guess.


I am OG and probably biased but do you not check your recruitment material? I mean, I get that the zerg shit WF/GA are doing seems to be popular nowadays but you'd think that people would want to have at least some standards. You accepted a refugee without vetoing the person, got actual proof that he is a refugee and your reaction is this? I mean... suit yourself I guess.
If they take your food don't cry about it on the forums go take their head. I once went solo vs a MRT who took a refugee from me and ignored it. You have a whole tribe to back you. You crying is just as bad if not worse as them taking in a refugee. If you can't back it up with force why should they listen to you.


If they take your food don't cry about it on the forums go take their head. I once went solo vs a MRT who took a refugee from me and ignored it. You have a whole tribe to back you. You crying is just as bad if not worse as them taking in a refugee. If you can't back it up with force why should they listen to you.

And just how am I crying? I don't care what you did or didn't do so try to keep fairy-tales out of it please.


And just how am I crying? I don't care what you did or didn't do so try to keep fairy-tales out of it please.
guess it wasn't you lol this is what 5 am drunk posting gets you. the two people fighting in the thread need to man up and go to war though lol. if you don't like some people there's a remedy for that
keep using your bot gutsman aka raphael ainsworth. better stick to your aussie jokes your not that good adam. Same with you thevirginchad and virgin chad idea of him soloing is him taking a solo bubble bath in his own tears. zabanya don't get rimmed again 3 of u are inferior to anyone here. Talking down to ppl on a game forum. like you are great people lol you get your kicks off bullying online who cares what your response is i know how good your really are! don't act like I don't know who you are i have been in tribes with 2 of you at least once another several times.

I pass a lil info on and this the thanks i get lol who cares anymore honestly. lol btw hey Luiciferis how is your tribe
mates doing?


keep using your bot gutsman aka raphael ainsworth. better stick to your aussie jokes your not that good adam. Same with you thevirginchad and virgin chad idea of him soloing is him taking a solo bubble bath in his own tears. zabanya don't get rimmed again 3 of u are inferior to anyone here. Talking down to ppl on a game forum. like you are great people lol you get your kicks off bullying online who cares what your response is i know how good your really are! don't act like I don't know who you are i have been in tribes with 2 of you at least once another several times.

I pass a lil info on and this the thanks i get lol who cares anymore honestly. lol btw hey Luiciferis how is your tribe
mates doing?

lick my balls kenneth. don't fucking name drop on the forum you absolute piss poor sperg
you i could out your last name to you cheat
how about it adam

they say the truth hurts the worst ol adam here saw this decided to msg me and tell me his real feelings he cheats and he hates i threw him under the bus but idgaf i play the game entirely how is was made free maybe some crowns here or there but cheating is on a whole another level just a couple of trolls who find their cave under the bridge lonely
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you i could out your last name to you cheat
how about it adam

they say the truth hurts the worst ol adam here saw this decided to msg me and tell me his real feelings he cheats and he hates i threw him under the bus but idgaf i play the game entirely how is was made free maybe bu some crowns here or there but cheating is on a whole another level

>name dropping over a dead game. yeah i wouldn't even do that to jhin or anyone else. but you do you i guess. also imagine thinking the game is clean anymore. pretty much only used it against carrot on en34 because he was using the same one and purely to implode his premade.
Let's make 'Murica Great Again.....

(No wait that's not it...)

♤◇ Let's make Tribal wars 2 .... Great Again! ◇♧

There we go :}


dead game but you seem to msg on the external forum about once a week :D

well duhh, it's like the only life left in it. i try to piss people off to get them to come after me and populate a world. when people hate you they're more likely to fight you with motivation.

also the bot i used on carrot doesn't even work anymore lmao. the maker never made an update in years so it's broken by now because of the multiple game patches.