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Mushroom news!


Also if we could get a meeting set and enough players we could build mutual respect as in: we are all in to fight each other and no sabotage. Sabotage is the shit in lockdown. IF i had the decision to change something in the game i would limit the sabotage to only be able to HIT the wall. OR i would change the sabotage itself and make it a TOOL that you can equip to your Army so when the army attack the sabotage give a certain bonus against the wall.
YES we should make an agreement that no one uses sabotages and if someone uses them then the whole world should sabotage taht player... Even members from the same tribe. That or we can kikc them, but i dont see that happening:p


Introducing X-men!
the Apocalypse is here! Baelrog is here!

Please tell us about yourself, past experience, why you started playing EN20 and why you joined X-Men
Hello there! I am from Chile, 30 y/o, played the beta server for a good while, then on the 4chan raid on en12 Leed Castle, where we were dominating easily by pure teamwork, then i had to travel so i couldn't keep playing. Joined this server cause i got spare time to play now, and dedicate enough to a game like this, where you can't blink or you get ninja'd. Joined X-Men for no particular reason, i think i mailed the closest tribes to me and they were the first to respond. Lovely bunch :)

my readers are very interesting in your on going operation against D-K on a score 1 to 10 how good is it going? do you perhaps have a report to share?
So far so good! They are quite organized, we are keeping track of their strategies and activity closely to look for openings. They got some very strong players with deep pockets so we are moving carefully and keeping in mind surprises can get us from behind.

Do you fear the mighty T-P? A score between 1/10 how much of a ''poison'' i'm I?
I know some of them from previous servers, actually naster tried to noble me straight out of protection back on EN12, but the mighty 4chan army went to the rescue haha, i'll put a picture here for the http://imgur.com/a/0OjmT. I like them and respect many of their members from previous experience, they seem very active and are moving quickly to fortify their position.

A bird told me that your tribe said i'm a mushroom poison that give bad growth to nearby players, is that true? your comments on that :p?(I don't attack with spears, i go with MA)
went through my messages right now, don't think any tribemember has mentioned you yet :eek:

What is your opinion about the other top tribes? do you think anyone of them is pretty special? Big and strong?
I like ownage, they are organized and able to put up a fight under extreme pressure.

IF you had the possibility to change something in this game, what would that be ?
I would remove sabotage.

7. Is there anything you would like to say to our own tribe? What they could improve on?
I would like to say sorry to some players i couldn't help in time, sadly i'm too far away to support them, sorry guys, i do love you. And thanks to everyone for the timely support you always provide, even to the craziest of my ideas. Thanks for always answering.

and last question do you have anything else to share to the world?
Don't be so serious about it guys, it's just a game. Let's have fun.



Quack Quack motherduckers

An interview with Fluffy Duck

1. Please tell us about yourself, past experience, why you started playing EN20 and why you joined D-K?I started TW1 years back - I think EN11 was my first..
Loved it. Almost got divorced. Stopped Playing for a while.
Started playing again. Loved it. Almost got Divorced again etc etc
This time hopefully I can play TW2 without getting divorced :) - TW2 seems to be more 'relaxing' so hopefully..(called compromise)
I spotted a friend from a previous world in D-K and it was well spaced for me to grow. (I hate tribe politics when you can't attack anyone etc)

I see your one of the current runner up(rank 5) Do you find it hard to stay in the top? Did you crown your way up or was it the classic spam barrack until 25 :)?

Only had a couple of goes lately on tw2 to try it out - this is my first real go. Oh and I didn't realise I was in top 5 until you told me - just having fun so will

see how I go..
I've never spent any crowns before..I love to attack coiners - they are way more challenging :)

3. What is your opinion about The tribe: The Olympians(AoT) they merged with another tribe, do you think they will become a threat?

They Merged? With who? Oh. Well all I know is some people say I'm the nicest person they've ever met then there's the others like a guy in AoT that wants to know if

the rest of my tribe is as arrogant as me.. I will probably ask him nicely for his villages later.. (I didn't ask his mate, sorry about that.) Oh and I did apologise

for those farmers that accidently attacked him. Apparently they caused a war between our tribes..
If my tribe says they are the enemy then they are a threat.. how big a threat? no idea.

4. What is your opinion about the other top tribes? do you think anyone of them is pretty speical? Big and strong?

Hmm.. no real idea at this stage, it's way too early to tell. There are some veteran players in the other top tribes but it always comes down to how well a tribe

actually works together in the end. Theres been plenty of good players go down to good teams..

5. IF you had the choice to restart and keep your points and troops would you do that? and where would you want to start?

Nope - I am quite cosy in my province at the moment thanks. Oh and I like my neighbors..

6. Is there anything you would like to say to our own tribe? What they could improve on?

I think our tribe is well spaced for growth but close enough to work together. Compared to many tribes I've been in over the years I'm actually impressed with how

active this tribe is - all tribes normally have similar issues with varying levels of experience and activity and some players just wanting to do their own thing but

this tribe has a bit of 'glue' that I haven't seen before..and some colourful characters :)

and last question do you have anything else to share to the world?

Always remember we are here to have fun. If you aren't having fun, don't play.

Hmm and if I ask nicely can I have your villages??

Fluffy :)



special edition! Magic Mushrooms!

IT isn't hippie talk- Science proves ''magic'' Mushrooms Expand your mind.

Please tell us about yourself, past experience, why you started playing EN20 and why you joined T-P

Oh well here goes then, I am 23 year old educated troll with an master degree in Information Security doing my last year in university, I am what you would call a prodigy which is why I have educated early just doing extra course and working full time as a information security specialist finding the bad shit. My past experience? Well I started playing MMO games the first time I built my own computer I think I started playing with computers when I was 5? Ok it was very early, my Dad is a genius building cars and owning his own company with millions in the bank so he made sure I had a private homeschool education learning how to fish, cook, get borderline professional in tennis, boxing, swimming, how to pick up girls(sorry ladies I’m off the market I meet my queen when I was 16, damn she still make my heart bump when I see her) Anyway I started playing TW when it was released pretty much went hardcore into the game and quit at end of W73 After that large clash so it’s not long ago. I am also into games like eve online playing with the Russians in the Northern factions and guild wars 2 playing in NA top RvR 15’s and 20’s.

-been in many pre mades in TW1 under different alias, not comfortable to tell my identity here sorry let’s leave it at that.

I’m gonna take a quote from fast and furious and say I live my life a quarter mile at a time. I got a full schedule and I never know what happens next. But games and sport gets me relaxed and bring out my fun side instead of the deadly serious person that are one step from punching you in the face if you look at me the wrong way.

I see your one of the current runner up (rank 6) Do you find it hard to stay in the top? Did you crown your way up or was it the classic spam barrack until 25 :)?

Nah that’s bullshit, I might have spent some crowns but it was just when my warehouse goes red, check my achievements it speak for itself, I’m a boss farming. IF you have played in pre mades in TW1 then you know how to farm or you were some loser.

What is your opinion about the other top tribes? do you think anyone of them is pretty special? Big and strong?

I see many good faces like OWN, T-P is rly good and organized but could improve. In the end it’s the ppM that count or the ‘’average point per player’’ and the achievemnts farming, attacking, defending. I look at how many send support, what is the defence bashpoints at? If it’s 0 they don’t do shit for the tribe. Attacking is very good but sometimes you need to save a brother or sister

IF you had the choice to restart and keep your points and troops would you do that? and where would you want to start?

No. next question.

Is there anything you would like to say to our own tribe? What they could improve on?

I send a list. Except that i would say try to make everything as simple as possible. This is a game after all and it's tribal wars, you gotta keep it simple the game is about ''coverage'' the 24/7. Close the holes. This game is also about ''sustain'' and to ''outplay your enemy'' and ''outlast'' I have been in impossible situation like 12v300 and won because we outlast. Nukes come, but you gotta Snipe some, stack some, dodge some, lose some but retake. This game is not just about DEFENCE and OFFENCE. It's about making a decision and stand by it.

6.and last question do you have anything else to share to the world?
Don’t use sabotage, I will remember who did it, and I will make it embarrassing for that person.


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I would really like to interview a moderator :p
Kengi you up for it <3?


I can do it, but you will have to catch me at a time I am available. Tuesday would probably be the best day for me, however I may be able to fit you in before if you can be patient between answers :p


I can do it, but you will have to catch me at a time I am available. Tuesday would probably be the best day for me, however I may be able to fit you in before if you can be patient between answers :p

well i always send a list of questions then i copy what you answer through my list so i don't edit anything. I will send something tomorrow to your mail then you can take your time.


Mushroom o/ remember me xD? W73 I was in Random and got rekt by you <3

many kisses from the tw1 boys for making such a classic enjoyable interview letter, Do jump on teamspeak once in a while we miss your rage :) TW1 is not the same without the Rage players that left at end of W73 -.-

7.5/10 newsletter; needs more and faster updates.

and good job on those All Red their leaders are the most retarded players from .NO


Mushroom o/ remember me xD? W73 I was in Random and got rekt by you <3

many kisses from the tw1 boys for making such a classic enjoyable interview letter, Do jump on teamspeak once in a while we miss your rage :) TW1 is not the same without the Rage players that left at end of W73 -.-

7.5/10 newsletter; needs more and faster updates.

and good job on those All Red their leaders are the most retarded players from .NO

pryda <3 Still trolling people in the forum i see :)
The rules are more strict in TW2 so watch out what you say.


Love the interview with Fluffy Duck. You have been causing AoT all sorts of headaches in your province and you ate our Scarlet Duck which is never a nice site to see one Duck eating another. We always though you just liked bread not villages.


well one of my alias is baquette but that doesn't mean i only eat baquette i eat villages aswell :) I send pm to fluffy :)

After reading Andy interview i just gotta play En21 ^^
Tbh En20 is about to blow up in a smoking war mess so not gonna have much time -.-


this video is a tribute to all Rookies STOP SEND SPEAR IN ATTACKS. Follow this video for a proper attack :)

1.Hi there Andy thanks for giving us this interview. To start off, could you please tell us a bit about yourself and how/why you started moderatoring for innogames.

My name is Andy, I am a 27 year old ex military officer from the UK. I used to play TW1 for years, however got heavily involved in TW2. I always tended to be the guy that wanted to help everyone, and when I saw that there were spots available for moderators. I applied for an interview!

2. Tribal wars crew have had both positive and negative feedback, exactly what is a Moderator duty in Tribal wars? How come it sometimes takes a while to get an answer in the forum bug section?

My particular role as one of the Senior Ingame Moderators here, is to train and advise the moderator team, whilst taking the slack on the tickets if they can't get to them in a reasonable time. The moderators are here to ensure that there is fair play both on the part of the players, as well as on the development team as well. We are the guys who report all the issues that you guys inform us of after new patches etc to ensure that they get fixed.

3. Do you think it’s possible I could become a moderator: D? I am active 10H everyday(mostly on mobile)

Everyone is welcome to apply. We encourage people to apply, and you may one day be one of my minions! For anyone who wishes to do so, they can do so here:

4. What is your experience in game? Have you won a world before? Played in any strong tribes?

I have won with 2 different tribes, in 2 different worlds so far. And hopefully I may have the time to join EN21, in which there seems to be a good premade of players being made to look to dominate the world from day 1.

5. What is your gaming experience in tribal wars? Have you tried tribal wars 1 or just played TW2? IF you have played TW1 is there something positive and negative you find between the games?

As above, I started my career on tribalwars.net on world 6. I had a few years off whilst I was on combat tours etc with the military, but I came back and tried this variation out. I can't really point out major positives and negatives for either game, they are both similar, but were deliberately intended to be different. They both sing from the same hymn sheet, but are different entities altogether.

6. How often do you communicate and how do you communicate with your other moderators? Do you use TeamSpeak to talk with others like I do at my work? Or is it restricted to no voice chat?

We communicate all the time. We have group chats setup on chat programs, and some of us also skype call each other to discuss stuff, or even just to chat a little about random stuff!

7. If you had the chance to change something In the game, Like. Kill the sabotage? Put in a server timer? Would you do that and if so what would you like to change?

I would personally change the coop cooldown. I would make it so that after ~6 weeks of an original user not logging in for a certain period of time, that they lose their coops. This would help stop pushing, and make my job a lot easier, and add continuity across the board! Sabotage is a pain, however most players only use it now as a last resort, from my experience.

I so gotta play En21, i'm gonna rek a moderator :D ^^
thanks for the interview Andy and ce ya at the battlefield​


Yeah come bring your TW1 premade to En21 lmao

LOL if you got nothing else to say please stay out of this thread especially when you don't even play en20. Currently nobody is interested in TW2 except if there is a NO haul world, already told you this so your post is totally pointless :p


Nice dodging. I'd do the same if I didn't have a cool premade. Don't worry maybe next time I can rim you and show you how to play ;)
Oh and you're complaining about thread derailment? Mate you do it in every other thread lmao ahah talk about irony.


Maybe or Maybe not, i'm pretty sure i know how to play this game being rank 4 for my first world that is pretty decent and i got looter of the day... But if you want to show me how to play you can download bandicam and record your gameplay and troop builds and share it with this forum :)

I have yet to figure out a good defence build being a more LC offensive player :)
Last edited by a staff member:


Next interview :D

22:48 magic mushroom: Silvervein let me interview you :) :)
22:49 magic mushroom: 1. How does it feel losing 200 MA?
22:49 Silvervein: Annoying coz i got no wood
22:49 magic mushroom: 2. WIll you ever reach the top 10 :p?
22:50 Silvervein: I will try my best but I think people who have more experience will keep those positions. the top 50 is the new top 10 anyway
22:51 magic mushroom: 3. between a score 0 to 10 how would you rank our leadership and why?
22:51 magic mushroom: site note; I would give a 9.5 Doc is the first leader i know that can throw a joke^^
22:53 Silvervein: 8. I think at the moment we are domination, down to leadership and some top top players. The next 2 marks will come when the early phase changes and the next move , based on the tribe so far I think they will make good decisions
22:53 magic mushroom: Nice answer
22:53 magic mushroom: 4. Is there anything you would to be changed with the CO-OP feature? add more accounts? remove it entirely?
22:54 magic mushroom: you would like *
22:55 Silvervein: I like the idea I saw in the forums, a co op should not change timer for inactivaty to stop players keeping dead accounts going. this period should be a month maybe to allow holidays etc
22:56 magic mushroom: last question: IF we won this world what would you do? jump down a cliff? sleep for 48H? buy a rat? buy an expensive car :p?
22:56 Silvervein: easy sleep 48hrs
22:57 magic mushroom: thank you for the interview i will post it in the forum shortly :p
22:57 Silvervein: woop woop

Back to farming lads :) nothing else to see here​


Maybe or Maybe not, i'm pretty sure i know how to play this game being rank 4 for my first world that is pretty decent and i got looter of the day... But if you want to show me how to play you can download bandicam and record your gameplay and troop builds and share it with this forum :)

I have yet to figure out a good defence build being a more LC offensive player :)

I finished my first world as #1 in points and OBP. You haven't even hit #1 yet and you're bragging lmao.