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having played and came second on en15 in tw1 there is literally 0 possibility of you being the sole reason a tribe was finished off.
Its not hard to play tw1 with a few dozen villages aslong as your not a flatout potato .
Ft i started that shit when i was 11 still ended up leading the acad tribe to the ranked 2 tribe of a world with probably x4 population, what the current tw1 worlds have.

its literally been over 2 months now. cant you lot stock arguing lmao
having played and came second on en15 in tw1 there is literally 0 possibility of you being the sole reason a tribe was finished off.
Its not hard to play tw1 with a few dozen villages aslong as your not a flatout potato .
Ft i started that shit when i was 11 still ended up leading the acad tribe to the ranked 2 tribe of a world with probably x4 population, what the current tw1 worlds have.

its literally been over 2 months now. cant you lot stock arguing lmao

They weren't even finished off the tribe he's talking about won that this server lol


They weren't even finished off the tribe he's talking about won that this server lol
they won thanks to me
and i did smash em
also it came out that a lot of them were cheating
just as you did
if i was to run a 50 mile marathon race against 70 race cars and i was using a push bike, and even then the enemies had slit the tires of my push bike, hell, they took the chain off my bike
and i somehow still came in 2nd place
would you call that person a loser?


You have no credentials and every time you've been asked to provide them you've flaked.
They probably don't care that you're sniping trains if they can build the literal noble trains faster than you can train sniping troops.
LOL like i am going to give my credentials to the people that threaten to hack me, rape me, and murder me
sure here's my address bro nothing could go wrong here
LOL like i am going to give my credentials to the people that threaten to hack me, rape me, and murder me
sure here's my address bro nothing could go wrong here
No one's asking you for your address, though. Just to provide world wins or even stats. Literal proof that you've even played some of the worlds you claim to have played, and you've provided nothing. You're a charlatan.


No one's asking you for your address, though. Just to provide world wins or even stats. Literal proof that you've even played some of the worlds you claim to have played, and you've provided nothing. You're a charlatan.
my other names directly link to my information
giving you said information would make that easier

i have already told you i am cult of personality, and you guys doubted me
then i proved it
then you just keep mopving the goalpost
as i am sick of telling you, i invited you into a call with an ex mod and you guys declined it
said it was me on another acc
even tho there was a discord call going on
you are being blissfully ignorant
i can show u ultimate proof and you refuse to acknowledge it
btw why arent you banned for cheating? you guys have all admitted to cheating
oh yeah i forgot you are friends with the mods of the game LOL

'hey show me the stats of the game you won while we delete all your villages and spawn 500 nobles with bugs'
Last edited by a staff member:
my other names directly link to my information
giving you said information would make that easier

i have already told you i am cult of personality, and you guys doubted me
then i proved it
then you just keep mopving the goalpost
as i am sick of telling you, i invited you into a call with an ex mod and you guys declined it
said it was me on another acc
even tho there was a discord call going on
you are being blissfully ignorant
i can show u ultimate proof and you refuse to acknowledge it
btw why arent you banned for cheating? you guys have all admitted to cheating
oh yeah i forgot you are friends with the mods of the game LOL

'hey show me the stats of the game you won while we delete all your villages and spawn 500 nobles with bugs'
SFU gets banned probably more than any other tribe. Support hates us.
Provide proof of collusion with mods. Give me proof of the things you claim.
So now because we're big bad bullies, you can't provide basic credentials to back up the big game you talk? I thought it was because the mods were against you! Who's moving the goalpost bud?


SFU gets banned probably more than any other tribe. Support hates us.
Provide proof of collusion with mods. Give me proof of the things you claim.
So now because we're big bad bullies, you can't provide basic credentials to back up the big game you talk? I thought it was because the mods were against you! Who's moving the goalpost bud?
i actually did provide proof and your mate mod removed it
people saw it though
stop cheating
play good
get rid of script extensions
the mods are against me, they legit as i already told u, deleted my villages etc
and i never cheated in this game ever
yet you for example and hurtlocker are openly admitting to cheating and are still not banned LOL
think hurtlocker admitted to cheating like over a month ago and the mods are still protecting him
cheating is against the rules and should be BANNED

no you cant do that cos if you do you wont win anything
i actually did provide proof and your mate mod removed it
people saw it though
stop cheating
play good
get rid of script extensions
the mods are against me, they legit as i already told u, deleted my villages etc
and i never cheated in this game ever
yet you for example and hurtlocker are openly admitting to cheating and are still not banned LOL
think hurtlocker admitted to cheating like over a month ago and the mods are still protecting him
cheating is against the rules and should be BANNED

no you cant do that cos if you do you wont win anything
Post it again then.
Every normal world winner when asked to prove themselves - "Sure man heres HOF link"

Cultist when asked - "You have to awnser my riddles then check out this wiki page and then you need to also hop on a call with a random thats meant to be coolnite then understand that I didn't actually win any worlds but I actually did and if you could send an email to me requesting this information I probably won't get back to you because SFU hacks Gmails, they also have mods on there side that scrub any Information I post, oh and I've already proved all this before and it got deleted"


literally lying
no im not giving my details to someone that wants to rape hack and murder me
when does the goal post stop moving?
remember when you said i wasnt in the CW and when proven wrong you jsut completely ignored it and interrogated me about something else
my identity can be tracked by my old usernames
ill humour you
give me your full name and identity and ill give you mine
but be prepared you did do criminal acts and there may be consequences
but you are a liar and a coward so the deal wont be done, youll decline and lie
because you are a criminal


also on a side note judging by all the stalkers i have, i wonder if we would have hit 5k viewers on my thread if it wasnt deleted by SFU moderators


So Cultist can I ask just a simple question have you got any Hall Of Fame wins?

On TW2?
on tw2 no, well, im counting the currently ended world as a victory for me, so that
but thats because they literally shut down my account or delete my villages
on tw1 i have held over a thousand villages at a given time

it makes me laugh that you try to brag about a game that is run by you and your tribe, by moderators that rig the game in your favour, and the game requires zero skill and you penly bug abuse and cheat
if you are honest you will agree that the moment you admitted to cheating you would be banned
meanwhile your crony admin friend is PMing me threatening to ban me for naughty words
while you openly bug abuse lol
on tw2 no, well, im counting the currently ended world as a victory for me, so that
but thats because they literally shut down my account or delete my villages
on tw1 i have held over a thousand villages at a given time

it makes me laugh that you try to brag about a game that is run by you and your tribe, by moderators that rig the game in your favour, and the game requires zero skill and you penly bug abuse and cheat
if you are honest you will agree that the moment you admitted to cheating you would be banned
meanwhile your crony admin friend is PMing me threatening to ban me for naughty words
while you openly bug abuse lol

So no TW2 actual registered wins.

TW1 any registered wins?


So no TW2 actual registered wins.

TW1 any registered wins?
TW1 many registered wins
and TW2 i just told you i won the just ended world
dude do you not see how skewed it is when you are banned at the very end of the game after u carried the world
as i told u legit the enemy tribes will personally tell u how formidable i was
if you were running a marathron and you were 500 metres ahead of everyone else and then i just decided you're DQ'd and you passed the finishing line and i said to you, show me your medal
do you really think you lost?
im the greatest player this game has seen in years
it took cheating, bug abusing, bannings and traitors to betray me
and still i took out everyone
but numbers won in the end
TW1 many registered wins
and TW2 i just told you i won the just ended world
dude do you not see how skewed it is when you are banned at the very end of the game after u carried the world
as i told u legit the enemy tribes will personally tell u how formidable i was
if you were running a marathron and you were 500 metres ahead of everyone else and then i just decided you're DQ'd and you passed the finishing line and i said to you, show me your medal
do you really think you lost?
im the greatest player this game has seen in years
it took cheating, bug abusing, bannings and traitors to betray me
and still i took out everyone
but numbers won in the end
lol. you realy have no idea what your talking about. i have been playing tw2 on and off from the beginning. i have played with and against every top player in this game. Your bragging about a fight against k-cal. well i didnt fight k-cal i just ran over him when i played against him at a few worlds. PS i also played with and against plenty comonwealth players and when you manage to say comonwealth didnt cheat im getting a good laugh, comonwealt is trhe biggest cheats in this game ever. comonwealth was probably the first tribe at tw2 using scripts they brought scripts to tw2. it wasnt a issue before comonwealth started to play. belive it was around EN 20-25, i actually got my first scripts from comonwealth players. after this i doubt any tribe have managed to win a world without massive cheating its scripting/multiplaying/coop abuse etc, and now it is the glitch. Majority of the playerbase is cheating in tw2 and have done it for years. it probably started at EN 1, but scripts wasnt a issue before comonwealth joined tw2.
And i can put up some hall of fames to prove i have played tw2 and i have some wins


lol. you realy have no idea what your talking about. i have been playing tw2 on and off from the beginning. i have played with and against every top player in this game. Your bragging about a fight against k-cal. well i didnt fight k-cal i just ran over him when i played against him at a few worlds. PS i also played with and against plenty comonwealth players and when you manage to say comonwealth didnt cheat im getting a good laugh, comonwealt is trhe biggest cheats in this game ever. comonwealth was probably the first tribe at tw2 using scripts they brought scripts to tw2. it wasnt a issue before comonwealth started to play. belive it was around EN 20-25, i actually got my first scripts from comonwealth players. after this i doubt any tribe have managed to win a world without massive cheating its scripting/multiplaying/coop abuse etc, and now it is the glitch. Majority of the playerbase is cheating in tw2 and have done it for years. it probably started at EN 1, but scripts wasnt a issue before comonwealth joined tw2.
And i can put up some hall of fames to prove i have played tw2 and i have some wins
the blatant lies of this is just baffling lol