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Rate the player above



Lets loan this from the W7 forums and do something similar here to get this forum section more active (something tells me it's a lost cause though :p)

The idea is to rate the player by giving them a 1-5 score (5 being the best) and write a comment to each rating, to give a reason why. When you're done, write your in-game name at the end if it differs from the forum name, so the next can rate you!

[Player Name]
Points: x/5
OD: x/5
Position(Area): x/5
Profile: x/5
Reputation: x/5
Tribe: x/5
Other: x/5

Total xx/35

My in-game name should be pretty obvious - LeCattez


hehe i was gonna start this a couple weeks ago but was lazy :p

Pts: Well ur #1 on the world right now so kinda have to 5/5 haha
OD: I think u really spiked up when mean green bean quit but still keeping #3 in world on OD though like me ur def is really low cause no one really messes with ya 4/5
Position: u have surprisingly better farming area then i woulda thought but ur gonna have to move areas to be of use in any of the wars with the bigger tribes which takes a LONG time 4/5
Profile: uh jus chillin? lol no ur not ur on way more then us id bet :p so for lies haha 3/5
Rep: I dont talk to u much but i am told ur a good active player who helps out leading W11 but being who u are serving under 4/5
Tribe: u guys ticked alot of people off but My Bad is very good at talking people into being traitors ;) 3/5
Other: I dont know u very well but u sound like a good dude lol judging off ur assesments in the maps and top 20 threads 5/5

Total 28/35 haha learn to add...only 7 catagories :p

IGN: Darteye


Pts: Always been in and around the top 20 for as long as i can remember, see your up to 7th now. Top AC player, 5/5
OD: Not bad, honestly i expected a little more but still your near the top for offense at least. Little for defense again as nobody really seems to go for those top active players. 4/5
Position: A little spread, although its what players have had to do as old battlefronts have moved in order to start to move in on W1N 3/5
Profile: Not much there, although most peoples profiles are fairly blank. Liking the village names, so 4/5
Rep: Well your always about the forums, which increases your rep. Your a leader within your tribe which also increase your rep. Havent heard much from you in game but im only a little player so no need to talk to me. 4/5
Tribe: I like you tribe, some may say its a bit of a MRT. I'm not so sure of this though, you've just merged some active tribes to secure your local area. Only a few inactives within the ranks and holding up against W1N as far as i can see 5/5
Other: Seem alright as I said earlier active in the forums, no reason to not give you 5/5

Overall: 31/35. Better than the number 1 ranked player, clearly points dont mean everything



Points: Nearly 400k, very bad growth (TW2stats) - 9 villages taken this month so far - 3/5

OD: Double the points which is good, but besides that it's quite low considering the age of the world (No idea how long you have been around though) - 3/5

Position: Very bad in my opinion (similar to my own, I have a lot of ways to expand though, which seems to be a problem here) - 2/5

Profile: Similar to my own - As in pretty empty... The village names are not much to look at either :p I'll be kind and give it the same as Darteye did, since it's mainly on the profile - 3/5

Rep: Never seen your name, before I took a trip to the forums recently (haven't bothered that much earlier, because it has always seemed so empty, only lurked around hehe). So far your comments has been spot on of what I recall in the other threads. - 4/5

Tribe: I have never been a fan of "mass-recruiting", I have been in tribes like that and would rather be in a focused tribe than that! That said, the offense being shown lately is looking good, not sure how many are participating in it though! And a shame I wasn't picked :( - 3/5

Other: Atm seems like an average player, I don't know what is going on behind the scenes, so he could be pulling more strings that is known to the outside world :p The comments definitely pull this up considering I don't really have much else to base it on. - 4/5

Overall: 22/35

IGN: LeCattez


LeCattez;n24290 said:

Tribe: I have never been a fan of "mass-recruiting", I have been in tribes like that and would rather be in a focused tribe than that! That said, the offense being shown lately is looking good, not sure how many are participating in it though! And a shame I wasn't picked :( - 3/5

lol, do your homework the vast majority of our players came from 2 tribes and had been with them for months. the difference between what we are and you are is there is a loyalty and bond that you guys will never have. your tribe is more mass-recruiting then anything, you cherry pick weak-minded individuals from tribes who would rather try to take the easy way out. w1n1 will break apart a lot quicker then we would ever because we have loyalty and support each other.


shekel finder;n24334 said:
lol, do your homework the vast majority of our players came from 2 tribes and had been with them for months. the difference between what we are and you are is there is a loyalty and bond that you guys will never have. your tribe is more mass-recruiting then anything, you cherry pick weak-minded individuals from tribes who would rather try to take the easy way out. w1n1 will break apart a lot quicker then we would ever because we have loyalty and support each other.

Hehe, it seems you're not really sure what it means to mass-recruit. In a very short amount of time you managed to get to the max member count, that's what I call mass-recruitment. W1N on the other hand has stayed around 80 and we only replace inactives. When people go inactive, we try to find replacements to keep on going. And when it comes to loyalty, I think our bond is a lot greater than what you'll get with all your randoms, with a good lot being semi-active! But yeah, how would you even know anyway? :p What makes you think we don't support eachother?
Mass-recruitment is necessarily not a bad thing, but it's a lot harder to keep control of all the members. The problem usually arises when people randomly go inactive or they don't support when needed and that just happens more often when you have a lot more "new" people compared to a select few. It happens with select recruitment as well, just not in the same scale.

That said, you could have just rated my ass MyBad and Shekel could have rated yours instead of bringing up a discussion hehe.

Points: World rank 27, growth is pretty good, definitely active. Nearly double the village count the last month, most likely inactives or empty villages, but still good to be active - 4/5

OD: This is where it goes the opposite direction :( What I typically look for is off. bash points and mainly that it's double the points, but it seems you lack a lot in that department. Either you have been taken empty villages or just like barbs... Hard to say, but you haven't cleared many villages at least! - 2/5

Position: Very spread out. I think you should have moved from your main cluster east to the front lines instead of having villages everywhere (could just be me), that said your main cluster is in a good position to lash out at whatever comes to the east or be a supplier of defense - 3/5 (the spread out location drags it down for me)

Profile: Nothing on the profile at all :( And the village names are not that interesting either... - 1/5

Rep: I don't really know who you are and you have only posted two times here, the first being not that interesting and the other I just replied to. I see you have "leadermans" status on your tribe, which I suppose means co-leader or similar. The last post by you didn't really do that justice in my opinion though, since you kinda went against the rules of the game and you could easely have taken up that discussion in-game :) - 2/5 (hopefully that can be increased one day)

Tribe: The same as last time around, mass-recruitment, good offensive attack lately and a shame I wasn't picked :( - 3/5

Other: As said above, he seems like a player who nobles inactives (or barbs) everywhere he can find and they seem to have to be empty. There may be a reason for it, but it's hard to see from the outside (could have been quitters who emptied the villages - still odd that someone else wasn't given the villages then). The rep so far doesn't do him any justice in my eyes, but it's possible to get back on the saddle! - 2/5

Total: 17/35

Feel free to rate one of the other two who didn't figure out how this "game" goes!

IGN - Still LeCattez


LeCattez;n24336 said:
Hehe, it seems you're not really sure what it means to mass-recruit. In a very short amount of time you managed to get to the max member count, that's what I call mass-recruitment. W1N on the other hand has stayed around 80 and we only replace inactives. When people go inactive, we try to find replacements to keep on going. And when it comes to loyalty, I think our bond is a lot greater than what you'll get with all your randoms, with a good lot being semi-active! But yeah, how would you even know anyway? :p What makes you think we don't support eachother?
Mass-recruitment is necessarily not a bad thing, but it's a lot harder to keep control of all the members. The problem usually arises when people randomly go inactive or they don't support when needed and that just happens more often when you have a lot more "new" people compared to a select few. It happens with select recruitment as well, just not in the same scale.

I'm so glad you bit my friend. It's funny you say randoms, once again the majority of our players were in one tribe prior to joining unity, we don't jump ship which is what w1n1 is constantly made of. The reason I say you don't support each other is kind of simple. Your boy murmulis lost 20 villages and 175k points in a day to a bunch of "randoms who are semi-active". How did he bashpoints help him out there when all that went down. And he isn't the only w1n1 player we have taken out, that received no support. And as far as mass-recruitment my friend, it's pretty obvious you wanted a probably a fraction of the legacy players that you just took but they were a package deal and if you want to get further into this mass recruitment drama, what does it make you guys when our "mass-recruitment tribe" was offered 50 spots in your tribe. As far as the rating tl;dr


shekel finder;n24496 said:
I'm so glad you bit my friend. It's funny you say randoms, once again the majority of our players were in one tribe prior to joining unity, we don't jump ship which is what w1n1 is constantly made of. The reason I say you don't support each other is kind of simple. Your boy murmulis lost 20 villages and 175k points in a day to a bunch of "randoms who are semi-active". How did he bashpoints help him out there when all that went down. And he isn't the only w1n1 player we have taken out, that received no support. And as far as mass-recruitment my friend, it's pretty obvious you wanted a probably a fraction of the legacy players that you just took but they were a package deal and if you want to get further into this mass recruitment drama, what does it make you guys when our "mass-recruitment tribe" was offered 50 spots in your tribe. As far as the rating tl;dr
Not what this thread is about but I will comment on it anyways, For one I don't enjoy reading how everyone who is against another group makes snap judgement decisions like this "we don't jump ship which is what w1n1 is constantly made up of" comment.
What exactly do you know of players and their decisions when you never bothered to message them and ask them yourselves and prefer to rather judge from a distance because it makes it easier for you to judge them?

On topic :)

Points: Rank 27th which is nice (Congratulations) I never really cared about points (more into BP myself) I say your PPV could be higher but mine is also going down as I'm taking more villages lately. I say 4/5

OD: It's on par with players who either A: play support roles or, B: don't really do much active fighting against active players.
I say it's decent could be worse but could be better 3/5

Position: Pretty spread out and not branching very far from your tribes turf which suggests a support role.
I say 3/5 (I don't really like having villages that spread out)

Profile: Nothing there, village names bland.
I say I agree with LeCattez on this one 1/5

Reputation: I took some time off of the server for a while so haven't really had a chance to get to know everybody again but so far bragging about one good moment for your tribe and making snap judgments about other players without getting every side of a story, also bragging about taking out a player when he's still there? and on the forum in a thread that has nothing to do with it not impressive either. I say 2/5 (because I'm rating off of what I have seen since coming back)

Tribe: MRT :p lol good OD and decent coordination not the best but it's decent and certainly not the worst, good attack so far but honestly I don't get much good input about the individual players character so far, and I see allot of them taking credit for group efforts by multiple tribes.
I say 2/5 (because character and how you act means more to me than if you were the best in the game)

Other: nothing really more to say, tho I hope nothing I have said is taken to harshly and maybe some of it is actually learned from.
I say 3/5 (going for over all percentage rating)

IGN: Feel free to use either MrCheezle my pre Injury ;) IGN or GarrethBlade my current.


I'll Ignore that comment^^ haha

Now for Mr.C!

Points: World rank 107, with the original Garreth being a good friend, I hate to see him go but that being said there was a huge break where this account did nothing, yet just about in the top 100 I'll say 4 points as its not all the way up there but still looking good. - 4/5

OD: With over 1,000,000 its obvious Garreths strategy was attack before he gets attacked, hopefully you keep it going, very intimidating player mind set. Good bash to points ratio- 5/5

Position: Love the position as your close to me and our troops can go to the tavern together and maybe a few sleep overs here and there. Other than that, wide spectrum of village locations that can be good and with the amount of coins I know you have, players better look out! - 5/5

Profile: Im not sure if you changed the prof or not but I like the "feed the beast" thing you got going. Huge fan of bash as well, besides that I want some nuddies on there ;) - 3/5

Rep: Havent spoke with you much as you had the bad accident as I came over, but many talked about you in our forums and council chat. Its a shame I never really got to coordinate and work with you on the same tribe, but acknowledge the way others respect you as a player of this slow game. I am not rating a five as there was that accident that put you out of action for awhile. - 4/5

Tribe: Although im not the biggest fan of the top members going to the same tribe as it makes the game less fun, it takes a great skill to obtain that membership, and I have respect for the leadership to keep it together. - 5/5

Other: Not too much in other, good guy from first impressions and very active. Has a loyal group of original Stardust members to follow. Other than that nothing to put negative. - 5/5

Total: 31/35

IGN - RenegadeXtreme


Alright Renegade i will rate ya


Points: Well your acct is 2 days newer then mine and ur about 1/4 my size heh so gotta ding ya a lil here 3/5

OD: almost triple ur pts but ur not really on any front and wonder who it was on...inactives? 4/5

Position: Well either really good or really bad based on how u play ur kinda in the heart of ur tribe so if u want to kill a front then ur not to well off but if u wana free farm and send long range nukes (well 1 due to church world) thats cool as ur free farm in back. Only time will tell where u go from ur location 3/5

Profile: Not bad i like the profile with remembers those that have retired and some mottos...village naming is very systematic i like it 5/5

Rep: just started talking to u alot so this is still a work in progress but i would say due to losing some members to W11 they musta not liked u much so a ding there 4/5

Tribe: eh i use to really like u guys' position but with the recent losses to W11 i would say u now need to prove that your not the rag tag bunch that those members who left thought u are. 3/5

Other: Well u got alot to clean up and to recover from those lost members lets see how u do but i like ur motivation that i see in the talks i have had with you so no reason to dock u here 5/5

Total: 27/35

IGN: Darteye

or u can jsut rate somoene that didnt play the game above haha either or :p


Im pondering if this thread is a good way to make friends....or start a war.


Jalend - Lets play the game, its a good way to make friends :)

Points: Up to 19th, since when did you get that big a month ago we had the same points.... 4.5/5
OD: Youve hit the 1m now, the last months been good with more 4x the number you had before, finally getting over you nasty habit of nobling every barb in sight. 3.5/5
Position: Youve got nice grouping in the main cluster, shame its no longer anywhere near a war front. See your spreading to the NE, keep those villages close together :) 4/5
Profile: Its fairly blank like most people, i dont understand your code for your villages although i guess thats a good thing. 3/5
Tribe: Ill try not to be biased, I like our grouping and feel the we work well together although i do wish we had less of those players under 70/80k points. 4/5
Rep: I feel that considering your now a top player, with the recent rise in both BP and points you should have more a rep. Start imposing yourself more. 3/5
Other: Ive spoken to you a fair amount. Nice person when not messing about with your 4CHAN friends. 4/5

Total: 26/35


I wanna rate jalend too! XXXDDDDDXDXXXXDDDXDXDX

Points: 5/5 Your rate of growth and current standing are both good.
OD: 5/5 Your offensive bash has more that kept up with your points, 'nuff said.
Position(Area): 3/5 Most of your villas are far from the front, although that is changing.
Profile: 2/5 Your village names are spaghetti at best. jalend pls.
Reputation: 5/5 them goats
Tribe: 10/5 breddy good tribe you got there :^)
Other: -5/5 -5 for heavy ****posting.

Total 25/35 (35/35 if the ****posting is considered funposting)
As for the rest of the chatter (I lost this b/c it logged me out; I'll edit it in):

Increase in points over the past 10 days due to new members:

W11: ~5 million points
!AC: ~1 million points
-1-: ~0 million points

It seems rather obvious, who is actually reliant on "recruiting". !AC's increase due to new members is negligible relative to their overall score, accounting for only 3-4% of it. ~17% of W11's score, however, is from people who have joined over the last 10 days. While score, of course, isn't everything, it does give a rough approximation of a tribe's current strength, as it varies with the amount of villages, and the degree to which they are built up (which is good to a point). Bashpoints are more of a summation of strength over time, while points indicate current strength (although the rate at which bashpoints (and normal points) are accumulated is the most accurate indicator, even though it is slightly more complicated).

1/5 of a tribe being "new" isn't inherently a bad thing, but even shortly after W11's formation, this "exclusive club" of players, as it has long been known to be (perhaps wrongly so over the past few months), let in a large portion of CES, a tribe they were at war with up until that point. Since then, there has been a steady flow of similar, albeit smaller-scale occurances, bringing members into W11, "recruiting". A recent example of this would be the players W11 pulled in from Legacy. This may just be me and my years of experience talking, but that isn't how one builds a cohesive and loyal tribe--layer after layer of players from a myraid of different bordering tribes. It reeks of some sense of urgency/danger, and makes it easy for other tribes to slip in spies.

From all I've seen, W11 seems to recruit just about anyone near their periphery that is breathing, and has relatively "enough" points. Furthermore, the "enough" part seems to have dropped precipitously over time. This brings up something I'm curious about; to what extent has W11 been "recruiting" people? There have been plenty of instances of this, but I doubt I have the full picture (though I do have my extrapolations). This far into the game, being dependant on fresh blood is dangerous, as there is little fresh blood left.
As for claims of -1- being a mass recruitment tribe, it really isn't, at least in the way you would think. Previously, information has been kept scarce as to maintain obscurity, but that time has mostly passed by now.

Initially, in the SW, just outside of the core areas, there was BAN/B4N, as can be observed early on in the map thread, dating back until at least october. It seemed to be basically like any other mass recruitment tribe, but the pool from which we were recruiting was different. We were recruiting new members from a place with a very strong-headed and "for-the-cause" kind of community culture. It was initially just a joke, but as you could imagine, 5 months in, it has long ceased being a joke. Because of the source of our recruits, we mass recruited to our hearts content, and filled up 2 entire tribes. We even considered starting up a 3rd tribe, but didn't have sufficient leadership resources for that (one of the primary limits to our growth early on), and that tribe died stillborn, bringing our recruitment temporarily to a halt, as we learned to play, consolidated our positions, and got rid of those who didn't stick with the game. During this pause in recruitment, the rim continued to move outward, leaving us between it and the core.

some new tribes begun forming on the rim, namely SGD and CL. there were some others, but those two were the most notable. As things work, SGD, an expanding tribe, next to us, came into conflict with us, a conflict that lasted until a ceasefire occured a week or two before we merged. I'll basically just talk about SGD, b/c CL has become entirely irrelevant, being mostly either absorbed into SGD or conquered by us over time anyways. SGD was a more traditional MR tribe, having the entirety of the rim as it moved as a source of recruits, up until we restarted recruitment again much later (see: "oyvey"). MR tribes generally dont tend to stick together well, but SGD's multi-month long struggle with BAN/B4N forged them together. due to BAN/B4N slipping spies into SGD, and some various other similar exchanges related to the war, some ties between the two tribes were formed during the war. CPS, the 3rd tribe that was part of the merger, played a large part in that.

Over time, people on both sides gradually dropped out, leaving both tribes more empty than they were previously accustomed to. BAN/B4N (at this point, recruitment was robust once again, and rim people transfered to B4N, while core people transfered to BAN. It was a semi-successful attempt at flanking SGD) was weak at the center, to the point where W1N[1] and SGD had just managed to reach eachother in the middle, while BAN was eating away at SGD in the north and (especially) south. One of SGD's biggest grievences against BAN/B4N (what directly led to the war, actually) was the "joking" thing that initially characterized BAN/B4N, as our sense of humor wasn't something universally shared, to put it simply. As of january, a combination of the end of that grievence in practical terms(as mentioned before, it was no longer a joke 3-4 months into the game), warming relations through CPS and high-level dialogues, and the formation of threatening tribes outside of the SW, led us to union. Months of communalism and relatively static borders in the SW have led to a stable tribe that I'm content with. There are, of course, still flaws, but they are something we work on.

During/Immediately after the merge, a few members of CES that we were working with (some spies and such) were let in. Additionally, in response to !AC taking in what was left of CL, we took in TC (a bit passive-aggressive of us :^) ) There really hasn't been any "mass recruitment" for quite a while, and even when there was, it wasn't the traditionally detrimental kind you probably thought it was before.

that's prolly approx what I had before. If our history is to be articulated, it might as well be articulated well. (lel shekel pls)
guys you couldn't even stay on the topic !!! ....... if you are not intrested in this silly game don't reply here . you can creat a thread about your tribe history or for w11 haters somewhere else ...... there is a "new topic" icon up to the left you know :p
now i must say something about the last post ..... you can't just choose any time that suit you and come here to say " hey let's see Increase in points over the past 10 days or 15 days ..etc " .... you can talk about points ac gained after they jumped from 70-80 to 120 members . i'm sure we can't say much about -1- here because it born with 180 members !!! no much rooms lef anyway :) oh and i heard you have a little sister tribe with +160 members too ...... what should we say here " like sister , like sister " ?
but to be honest you maybe right here i doubt that you will find any tribe increase with 5M points from only 10-15 new members , recruitment mainly due to the inactivity problems , that's the quality recruitment ... not recruit only to recruit .
your " years of experience" should teach you to never judge things when you don't have full details :) i have been in this tribe since the start and from your comment i can tell that you don't really know anything about this tribe .

now back to the topic ... since i replied here i must do this rating thing now :p
Points: top 175 not bad but not very good too so i will give you 3/5
OD: at this stage of the game your bash points still less than double of your points , sometimes you gained villas without any change in bash .... barbs or inactives ? 2/5
Position(Area): your villas are far from the front ... supporting role maybe 3/5
Profile: not much there 3/5
Reputation: i don't know you so 3/5 standard rating here lol
Tribe: no tribe deserve 5/5 atm and you are in the biggest mrt in this world .... but i liked what i heard about some of your coordinate attacks in the south so i will give you 2/5
Other: i will be generous here 4/5

Total : 20/35


SYPHAX;n24651 said:
guys you couldn't even stay on the topic !!! ....... if you are not intrested in this silly game don't reply here . you can creat a thread about your tribe history or for w11 haters somewhere else ...... there is a "new topic" icon up to the left you know :p

You aren't even doing it for free lel

So I obey the rules

Points: Almost top 50, so pretty good - 4/5
OD: 2m offensive bash so very good 5/5
Position: I have no idea so 2/5
Profile: 2/5
Reputation: Hard for people to build a rep unless you interact directly with them and we haven't so 2/5 again
Other: I don't know why but I like your name so 5/5

Total: 20/35

Have fun rating a noob


Points: do you even lift? = 1/5
OD: k' = 4/5
Position: Rim frent = 1/5
Profile: >pls no buly , k = 4/5
Reputation: a regular on sekrit chat = 4/5
Tribe: dankest tribe in castel del monte = 5/5
Other: commie = 4/5

Total: 23/35

name: goatblood


Points: rank 51, 4/5
OD: over double your bashpoints, 4/5
Position: good grouping, ready to move into W11 5/5
Profile: 4/5 a quote and an achievement of a dead raven
Reputation: none from my perspective 1/5
Tribe: Mass recruitment but still top 3, 4/5
other: lol name 3/5

25/35 total.


eater of pie

Since you are attacking me i'll rate you mean/10