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General Discussion (Laarne)

Easy to talk about winning, when you only know how to play with agreements, and cheating.


Before accusing others of cheating you should really stop being so salty and look at yourself.

Don't act like an innocent boy when really you have no legs to stand on.

As for 'Agreements"

Diplomacy is a huge part of the game, I'm sure you know this from En61 when you made 'agreements' with everyone to try and beat us.

Hilarious coming from a honest, piller of the community like yourself..
last time any of you fools came over to us your got your asses handed to you by yours truly... and I have never played here prior to now seriously so not sure wtf your talking about. But dont worry the King Rooster has arrived and only one of us will leave this match with his feathers intact...and wont be you.
last time any of you fools came over to us your got your asses handed to you by yours truly... and I have never played here prior to now seriously so not sure wtf your talking about. But dont worry the King Rooster has arrived and only one of us will leave this match with his feathers intact...and wont be you.

Who plays US servers anyway apart from a handful of randoms who believe they are something?

Also can you confirm who got there asses 'handed' to them?

Just out of curiosity can you confirm the tribe name?

You're just another average player wasting his stimulse check to get some quick gratification.

You probably live in the same trailer as coldog I take it?

Fortunately for you, I'm not playing this world However happy to arrange you stuffed, seasoned and roasted on my plate.

Although I prefer free-range products.

You're a mass produced inbred factor hen.

Stop clucking.


Boys I have a question. Is anyone playing this world? I mean anyone other than this chicken obsessed person.
You guys are so easy to Egg on... just dont sing it bring it... Do; i remember the names the players made on Us servers when they came over yes does that mean they are the same names.. no. have i found anyone in the 2 en worlds i have played so far that is my equal no.. shows over sorry. now maybe i can call out some that are at least close so the next world is a lot more fun i already had to quit crowning to make it interesting so it is not stimulus money fool lol.. but who knows maybe in this new world it will actually be necessary. Anyway just make sure next time there is a dom world you bring your best few guys and if you want to make it fair i am open to a fair stage for who ever wants to compete man on chicken...

https://us.forum.tribalwars2.com/index.php?threads/biggest-battles-visegrad.2831/ abbadon who was a world class wallet warrior and his band of misfits from EN doubt they still play though

I love the coldog ref lol he is not good enough for my tribe though i see he had top 10 finishes on EN lol so that is quite funny. means you probably even lose to him. Those that are close too my level who come here are all The top players in EN.
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mate the people close to your level are the hobos outside tesco begging for ketamine, coldog's one of them

he said he taught you everything you know lol....
Trust me that if I or Thomas Paine had been the leader, you would have lost.

I know who I am, and how I play.
I also know who SFU is and how he plays. Do you need captures?
I also remind you that the first person who accused INQ of using cheats was SFU.

Could it be that the thief thinks that they are all of his condition?
I'm the most loyal guy there is, but if you betray me, I'm also the most spiteful guy.

I pass you by fool hahaha. It was as simple as waiting, I wasn't playing at all, and you listened to whom you shouldn't have.
@Possessed nothing to say?

Trust me you'd be up for adoption long time ago if I was the unfortunate poor soul to bring you into existence.

Something your parents probably regret doing.

Mistakes happen though...

Are you still sitting in your room jobless asking mum and dad for hand outs for your over priced packs?

Sorry I don't care at all for grammar. I normally reply on the move using my phone!

Little time to even read half of what you write!

Some of us have life
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Trust me that if I or Thomas Paine had been the leader, you would have lost.

I know who I am, and how I play.
I also know who SFU is and how he plays. Do you need captures?

Both you and Thomas got wrecked.

Thomas tried at least but he just quit after we roasted him.

Nah not really man.

I'm the most loyal guy there is, but if you betray me, I'm also the most spiteful guy.

I pass you by fool hahaha. It was as simple as waiting, I wasn't playing at all, and you listened to whom you shouldn't have.

Omg you're so smart!

Well done you got yourself kick and gained nothing.
I didn't kick myself, it was you.

Regarding the reason? I would never have betrayed SFU, but I have captures of everything.

I am not a traitor, but I am cautious :D
I also remind you that the first person who accused INQ of using cheats was SFU.

Could it be that the thief thinks that they are all of his condition?
wasn't it nomads who did that actually? like i know that doesn't fit ur narrative, but i'm pretty sure nomads were calling u cheaters long before we were lol.