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Closing of the World


Saying you won and everyone else lost is like saying robbing a bank is a legal way to earn money.
Personally, the winners for me are those who forced you to spend more money. Like how much money Mordor has HAD to throw at the game because apparently the only strategy he knows is to noble the village next to his target, coin it up then coin troops to it, and keep doing it until he gets the village. For his sake, I seriously hope he has that kind of money to spend because it is very unhealthy spending otherwise.


This isn't even the first world they "won" by throwing lots and lots of money in the game. They have done it on different servers and will after this one probably go to the next one. I think they are very proud of what they "achieve". We win so we must be really good. I think they say something like this to themselves. But lets be honnest their is only one winner here: INNO


according to google translate:
how we achieved victory is our business. We came and won. You quit playing and you can write whatever you like in your miserable excuse.

actually its not just your business. its everyone who played the worlds business, thats quite an arrogant thing to say. Besides, Yato has yet to make an excuse, he has only expressed his opinion on how the world has gone. Are you really gonna sit there and belittle the opinion of anyone who disagrees with you?
Back in the day when you didn't speak English your post got deleted @Coolnite7 @BeatricePretty
Looks like that is exactly what happened.


"Вам самим не надоели, эти глупые отговорки? Вы очень слабые игроки, бежите с мира поджав хвост, Вам играть только в фермеров".
Google translator: You yourself are not tired of these stupid excuses? You are very weak players, run from the world with your tail between your legs, you play only farmers.

There are no enemies of resistance left in Navardun,most of the players stopped playing and we just take of empty villages.So we ask developers to announce terms for closing this world as further playing in half-empty world is rather boring and senseless.



can you please point to one of these excuses? I have yet to see them.
Can you point to the weak players? only ones i have seen here have reputations for being tough opponents.
They only play farmers? sounds like thats what you are doing.
No enemies of resistance? half-empty world? the screenshot posted earlier showed you hadnt even 40% of the top 10 villages
EDIT, looking at the stats for the world, the top tribe isnt even getting most of the conquers in a given day, really doesnt look like half empty.
NOr does the top tribe control the top bash or points rankings, really doesnt look like theres no resistance.
your tribe is rank 3 and matching rank 1 for fighting as far as i can see. wheres the lack of resistance?
Last edited by a staff member:


"я буду рад ответить на ваши вопросы......)))
- самые слабые игроки, играли на en40 против нашего племени. Осталось несколько игроков, которые оказывают сопротивление и заслуживают уважения.
- Вы похоже не встречали сильных и достойных игроков, но у вас сейчас есть такая возможность, посмотрите на племена ENT и RUS. Запомните их имена, и потом Вы будете рассказывать своим детям против каких великих людей вам приходилось сражаться.
- Я еще раз могу повторить, что Вам надо играть не в TW2, а в фермеров.
- Вы не умеете пользоваться статистикой, поучитесь у более опытных игроков. Что бы вы увидели следующие показатели:
1. Игроки, которые играли на en40, сбежали в новый мир en41, в виду своей моральной слабости.
2. Племена ENT и RUS, не теряют свои деревни.
3. Племена ENT и RUS захватывают в основном красные деревни.
4. Оставшиеся вражеские племена захватывают деревни варваров.
5. Посмотрите на очки в атаке и на очки обороны.
- имея у себя 39 деревень, моя мораль в атаке сильно страдает.
- количество зарегистрированных игроков не означает, что они все тут играют.

Вы не устали искать оправдания? "

Google translator:I will be happy to answer your questions......)))
- the weakest players played on en40 against our tribe. There are only a few players left who resist and deserve respect.
- You do not seem to have met strong and decent players, but you now have the opportunity, look at the tribes ENT and RUS. Remember their names, and then you'll tell your children what great men you've fought against.
- I can repeat once again that you should not play TW2, but farmers.
- You do not know how to use statistics, learn from more experienced players. What would you see the following indicators:
1. Players who played en40 fled to the new world of en41 because of their moral weakness.
2. ENT tribes and RUS, don't lose your village.
3. The tribes of RUS ENT and capture mostly red village.
4. The remaining hostile tribes capture of the village of barbarians.
5. Look at the points in the attack and the defense points.
- having 39 villages, my morale in the attack suffers greatly.
- the number of registered players does not mean that they all play here.

Aren't you tired of making excuses?

There are no enemies of resistance left in Navardun,most of the players stopped playing and we just take of empty villages.So we ask developers to announce terms for closing this world as further playing in half-empty world is rather boring and senseless.



3 tribes cant claim victory, nor will they be respected by the general player base for emplying such underhanded tactics.


I'll stop whining when I see you guys play a fair world. Deal? ;)


Google translator: who deceived you? Who didn't let you form an Alliance against us? How will the new world we play be different from this? will you stop whining and running off to new worlds?;):)


ENT uses scripts. Which is not legal or fair to use on TW2.
To start the world, ENT flooded en40 with accounts to lock down a starting core location so that you WOULDN'T have any competition. I know this because you were dumb enough to fake me from one of the throwaway accounts that didn't hit the location on start up.
Even after this, you still had to throwaway so much money just to claim your "victory" which YOU are now whining that there is no competition and you want to just close the world.
It's pathetic.


Google translator: to detect violations, there is a support service. Write there! If the use of third - party programs is proven-the player will be blocked. Without proof, your words are empty.


Even with proof nothing would be done, so it's really your words that are empty. And we have proof of ENT abusing account creation to control the core because WE. ALL. SAW. IT.


Try not to cheat so much on the next world. You might find more of a challenge if you aren't creating unfair advantage, and then you won't need posts like this? Yeah?


Google translator: You can come to our worlds and we will defeat you there. Although you are weak players, you are strong in justifying your shameful loss.:D:D:D
p.s.I know players like you who think they're strong on the forum, but when you meet them in the game world, they run like rats into a new world.


So you want me to go to the Russian Server, to see you land 400+ accounts on a world to control the outcome and watch you cheat another win? That is neither logical or smart.


There are no enemies of resistance left in Navardun,most of the players stopped playing and we just take of empty villages.So we ask developers to announce terms for closing this world as further playing in half-empty world is rather boring and senseless.



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