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World 20


Well one of the Tribes has decided that a player who was a farm, with 427 points on his main village after 8 days was worth going to war over. The Leader threatened to annihilate the Farmer, who had showed him proof of said farming was before they took in this member. The farmer was told he would be wiped from the map. Well I say if you throw such threats you back it up with action. Attacks were sent on the farmer, from just the leader of the tribe from 15 hours away, none of the local members of the threatening Leader's sent anything. 4 Fakes landed on the farmer.
Guess this guy is all Hot Air and no Troops?


Your leader is a moron.

Everything stacks against the guy getting farmed:
  • he's bad enough to get farmed in the first place
  • he only made it to 427 points in 8 days so he's basically inactive
  • when he got in trouble he joined a tribe hoping they would save him
That he would even recruit him to begin with is indicative of his idiocy but then to actually defend him when shown evidence makes him a total write off.

I would suggest leaving the tribe as it won't go far.


O it was not my Leader, but the Leader of the Tribe that declared on us :D


Oh, well same sentiments to the other tribe then. Sounds like they won't be much of a threat.


As we are not as mighty as you yet, as I only started this world 9 days ago maybe 10 depending where you are in the international playing field. I would say that we may be 2 of the Rim tribes. The leader is playing at being a Horde'r of bad players and bad decisions for his good players. :rolleyes:


I still have no idea who we are talking about......call me Mr Literal as in someone needs to put what is going on Literally. I can't do riddles


Well they didn't declare the War Spectacularly on the forum sadly.


They wouldn't, us getting messages that this game is not about troops or points. Well hell then why are we here?


Nope there are no chicken's laying eggs or crops that need to be planted. We don't have cute cartoon characters jumping from the screen or wait are they all features we can get with Crowns? WHOA Dude I need to get me a pet bunny.


The Plague have declared war on The Olympians. Bit gutted it wasn't declared on here :(


They wouldn't, us getting messages that this game is not about troops or points. Well hell then why are we here?
Not much about point but absolutely about troops. Remeber you cant go to war with points but you can with troops. And besides a tribe wont win this world with points but number of villages. Big or small villas doesnt matter but number of villas.