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Top 10 Map/Discussion


I am quite new to the world, so please do correct me if you think I'm mistaken in my discussion. I missed much of the early game and any drama or merges . Trying to make this forum a little less 'quiet' with a discussion post. All my opinions are my personal, subjective views. They may be accurate but also sometimes wrong as I may lack certain context.


The world seems quite even right now, with the top 3 tribes each occupying a solid chunk of territory and have distinct front-lines they must deal with. No one tribe has total control of the core. -P- appears to have a few member in the center of F.G territory, though I don't imagine they'll be there for long. While IDP appears to have a significant amount of villas, they have almost twice the members of -P-, F.G. Points per villa for them will be lower and likely overall quality of players. No overwhelming stomp as of yet, which suggest a fun and bash heavy world.

1. Faceless Gods | 2.31 mil points | 56 Members | Level 27 | 10.4 million obash | 3.7 million dbash

Solid stats across the board, as should a rank 1 tribe have. Highest overall bash but only a bash/point ratio of 6.1 - respectable but not the highest. Highest points per member (PPM) so does have some of the players that's been around the longest. Have 7 of the top10 players, among them some solid players the likes of Masked, Frippen, Pouti, Valkus, marshallruss. Currently at war with -P-, IDP and GOB. They seem to be doing well, given the amount of tribes they're at war with. Haven't tracked conquest so can't say much on who's winning the war. A solid contender to be around for the endgame. Have the NW and 50% of the core locked down currently.

2. Peak Performers |1.49 mil points | 65 Members | Level 25 | 8.3 million obash | 4.2 million dbash

Despite being nearly 800k points behind F.G, they have a strong bash and are giving a fight. Highest bash/points ratio coming in at 8.4. These guys are fighting well despite villa deficits and are only a few hundred points behind in points per village (PPV). Current have 50% of core/core-SW locked down. If someone would like to comment on the -P- player scattered in deep F.G territory please enlighten me, I'm quite curious. Have 3 of the top10 players. I do not know MissV but stats tells me whomever he or she is a solid player (though the lack of 100 million looted is quite concerning at this stage). Can't comment too much on the players of the tribe but I do see a few solid ones. At war with F.G obviously but not sure how its going for them.

3. Independent | 1.44 mil points | 112 Members | Level 17 | 6.1 million obash | 3.3 million dbash

The big, kind-of MRT tribe. There's always one - doesn't mean the tribe is too bad though. Solid bash and points/bash ratio, which suggests these guys can atleast war. Near total lock down of the NE, have plenty of room to develop are grow villages. A few in the SE too. Relatively unrestricted growth, if they can defeat the F.G frontlines. Borders Law of Karma to the SE, don't know about their diplo so can't comment to much on the future of that front. War with F.G at the moment, which makes the war relatively even but the IDP/-P- front does have a point advantage. Not sure about net conquest on this war (if anyone knows/wants to brag, do comment below). I do have some reservations about the tribe's leadership but they have players ranging from maybe B+ tier to C tier. (perhaps one or two A tier players as well).

4. Guild of Bashers | 0.52 mil points |54 Members | Level 12 | 1.4 million obash | 0.97 million dbash

Don't really know much about this tribe. Their bash/points ratio is relatively low at 4.55. I keep mentioning this ratio as I think its a good indicator of rough troop levels/ability to nuke/defend efficiently/how active they are in rebuilding troops. Obviously not the best ratio but good enough for rough analysis. If they were to war -P-, that could put them [-P] in some serious trouble, as they won't have a safe backline to work with. Have the rim to themselves for growth. The low obash/dbash ratio is also concerning, suggesting their members are having a difficult time fending for themselves (unable to be the aggressor). Can't speak of leadership or players, I personally do not know enough.

5. The Real X | 0.42 mil points | 28 Members | Level 14 | 1.6 million obash | 1.2 million dbash

The SE tribe. Shares a lot of SE space with Law of Karma, so I see war being inevitable if they are not already at war. Likely only one tribe will come to dominate the space. Good bash/points ratio that leaves room for development. Again can't comment on their players or leaders, I'm not personally aware of them and haven't done enough research.

Rank 5-10. Not gonna comment on them. Don't think any of them are of particular noteworthiness. If you think you're tribe should be mentioned, comment below. I am late to the world, so I haven't kept track of those. But in the future I will mention stuff like Conquest/Assaulter/Defender/Thieves etc, especially the weekly ones (that is if I write more of these). I hope this post starts some discussions - this world is lacking it.

Brag away!


Thanks for the post!

The war between F.G. and -P- is about 48 hours long and the score is about 100 to 5.





Thanks for your post, this forum have been quiet.
That's the stats around 60 hours ago. You can compare with the stats now to see the progress.


Well this just seems like a one sided stomp. Unless -P- got backstabbed or were completely oblivious there's no reason to lose so much.


Well this just seems like a one sided stomp. Unless -P- got backstabbed or were completely oblivious there's no reason to lose so much.
What if there was no troops behind all those points?
What if all their bash points are from internaling there own inactive players?


Just check, how many peak players have harvester award? 1. Sorry to be rude, but those reports we get are just pathetic.
Last edited by a staff member:


Shame. I expected more from the rank 2 tribe. Of course points doesn't tell everything but its been a month so I thought all the troopless tribes/players got stomped out already.


I like the post made, I mean it isn't completely correct but at least someone takes the time to post something about the world, hope that you have the chance to do follow up posts.


At first, my respect for Aegon Targaryen!! The work and effort you have put in this is really great. Thanks for this and keep up the good work!

Then i read some post made by Blitzkrieg and creepy piggy that makes me wonder.......It seems these boys and girls do not like fairplay....
And that FG is rising and Peak is fallen is not more then logic.....FG was totaly prepared for the war as they know they would not wait 48 hours after killing the alliance....That Peak was not prepared was because they where fighting IDP and GOB... Nevertheless when you like this kind of creepy play, is was a nice move from FG....We will have to see what happens next in this world. FG has a winning streak at this moment but when P IDP GOB and others can team up, only then the world has a chance.

So do I like the way FG plays, NO. Was P Naief? YES maybe they where. But the game continues......And...the rumours say that the players of FG are using coop accounts to attack, to defend, using somekind of programs to do their attacks....But those are just rumours....But would i be surprised if they did....I think you know the answer.

PLay the game and have a nice world all...

I will be watching side ways


I will probably make another post on Sunday if I find time - hope to make it a weekly or bi-weekly thing. Since tw2 tools is down I'm tracking some data manually and i'll that about that in my post.


At first, my respect for Aegon Targaryen!! The work and effort you have put in this is really great. Thanks for this and keep up the good work!

Then i read some post made by Blitzkrieg and creepy piggy that makes me wonder.......It seems these boys and girls do not like fairplay....
And that FG is rising and Peak is fallen is not more then logic.....FG was totaly prepared for the war as they know they would not wait 48 hours after killing the alliance....That Peak was not prepared was because they where fighting IDP and GOB... Nevertheless when you like this kind of creepy play, is was a nice move from FG....We will have to see what happens next in this world. FG has a winning streak at this moment but when P IDP GOB and others can team up, only then the world has a chance.

So do I like the way FG plays, NO. Was P Naief? YES maybe they where. But the game continues......And...the rumours say that the players of FG are using coop accounts to attack, to defend, using somekind of programs to do their attacks....But those are just rumours....But would i be surprised if they did....I think you know the answer.

PLay the game and have a nice world all...

I will be watching side ways

It's a decent observation from outsider, but I would like provide some more information.

PEAK and F.G have set up an alliance before I have come back. I respected that and we have tried to work with them.
- Unfortunately PEAK leadership have no intention to work together.
- They have straight up refuse to work with us.
- The worst is that they have been none stop sending our member recruiting messages, they don't even hide it, literally those messages was even sent directly to our council members.
- PEAK have been falling off ever since their top player got banned from using script, and also we heard they are coming back now and asking people for password to share accounts. PEAK members are famous for cheating, looks like they are paying for it now since they have dropped from rank 1 to rank 3 and losing member day by day. Really, Shame on you.

Every single F.G member is active, not a single one of us is inactive. Feel free to send report to support and ask them to check, we are not afraid, if anyone doubt that please do so. Ask them to check every single one of us please!

GoB, IDP, and PEAK will unite together now and fight to F.G.

That's 230 people join together to fight 60 people, I hope it's going to be fun and good luck to these 230 people!


@Aegon Targaryen Nice work.
If you have a little coding knowledge, I can send you my private stats tool code so you can keep track of everything. YOu just need to know how to set up WAMPP server, and a little SQL, the rest can be left as is. It requires some manual handling of data - in that you copy/paste some cod into the console while in the game to get new data, and there are a couple SQL commands I use to get weekly data such as player increases and weekly conquers per tribe, though you could do without the SQL commands.
check en42 top10 stats to see what im getting out of it


I am sorry but are you just gonna pretend that MissV is an outsider?
"It's a decent observation from outsider, but I would like provide some more information."


@GRhin thanks for the offer. I'm not too familiar with SQL only a little python is the extent of my coding knowledge. I'll probably look to have a friend repurpose a old VP tracker for stats tracking and use it for the world.
@Dair Vol I see you and excellence are starting this world? Its been a while indeed.

I'll do another writeup monday or tuesday since lots of changes have occurred since my last post.


@GRhin thanks for the offer. I'm not too familiar with SQL only a little python is the extent of my coding knowledge. I'll probably look to have a friend repurpose a old VP tracker for stats tracking and use it for the world.
@Dair Vol I see you and excellence are starting this world? Its been a while indeed.

I'll do another writeup monday or tuesday since lots of changes have occurred since my last post.

Yes please do waiting for your update.


@Creepy piggy :)

I am not going to comment on the politics or how this war began and who betrayed who. Nor am I going to bring up whos cheating, coop abusing, crowning, etc. These accusations come up every world. Often in the end the players that win are the ones who can play late game well, train well, fake well, adapt well, and persist more than anything. Before I start, a disclaimer: I am not in any of the top tribes so this is a discussion from an outsider's perspective. I only get insider information from time to time and often context removed. So don't take what I say as fact, only a personal opinion.

Let's get to it then. State of the Top 5:


What has happened since the last post? Mainly the decline of Peak and continued war between F.G versus Peak, IDP, and GOB. F.G do deserve bragging rights perhaps for waging a 60 vs ~250 player war. It is by far apparent, at this point in time, F.G. has an extremely good concentration of skilled and active players. They are waging war basically across the entire world, from the South West vs GOB to the North East vs IDP. It is then in the mutual of interest of all the other tribes to fight against FG - if they don't, they'll get destroyed one by one. However, pure numbers will not do anything, as IDP seemingly cannot learn. What is true of large tribes is that it is far harder to instill discipline. To wage war against the best tribe you must first 1) have a good back-line and reliable def players 2) have players who are willing to lose so that others may have opportunities to make gains. What is the death of so many large MRT tribes is that many members are unwilling to give up their def and be 'defenseless', whether they are 1 province or 10 province away from the front-line. To fight offensively in a losing war is necessary to win, but for it to happen it requires good frontline macro and some form of strategy.

Now, to the stats. Note: These are recorded as changes between May 29th and June 4th. Also, I have not tracked conquest because manually that's too hard and I haven't yet setup any thing that tracks it server side. Perhaps one day.

1. Faceless Gods |3,338,492 Points | Level 28 |16,964,444 obash |5,869,719 dbash

Ah where to start. Absolutely smashing the other tribes. Quality of players are obvious. Few changes in number of players, suggests no radical changes due to the war, which is a good thing. Offensive bash is up almost 5 million (41%) and are nearly double that of Peak. Defensive bash is also up 1.3 million, which may seem low but in percentage terms it is up almost 28%. Suggests both an active defense and active offense. Maskedbehindmask has been cementing his first place and has achieved 100 million farmed, in a span of ~50 days. While F.G. players do dominate the top10 in points, the top10 in bash is much more diverse in players (with 3 Peak players, surprisingly). As good as their bash increase, is their increase in points. They have grown 700k (27%) in a short time frame. It is even more impressive when compared to the relative growth of Peak and IDP. I may have not tracked conquers but it is obvious from points and villa number who is gaining villas from who. Honestly this tribe is just stacked - if you just scroll down their member list you will see great players with consistency, whether they are currently at 130k or 13k points.

This world is currently theirs to lose. Being in first and so ahead does not secure victory, this can slowly change. Being in such position often results in few large players with lots of villas covering one giant or multiple frontlines. As people often have to quit TW for all sorts of life reasons, the sudden loss of any of their top players can be problematic. especially if an active coop can't be found. Constantly warring, which is a consequence of being first, can cause burnout in players who might be under attack everyday - although right now the opposition doesn't seemed well organized for that yet. I just want to say that this advantageous position can be an arduous one to maintain.

2. Independent | 1,526,638 Points | Level 18 | 7,111,090 obash | 4,415,783 dbash

Already down more than 15 members - once faced with actual competition, these large tribes will take the hits. Most casual players simply cannot deal with trains after trains and large, coordinated ops. Its stressful and challenging, especially if you are outnumbered and lacking timely tribe support (no giant HC stacks from the looks of it). I was told by a member that "this tribe is called Independent because you will be practically alone in this tribe." But what do the stats say? They've managed to increase their obash by 790k (12%) and increased their dbash why over a million (28%), a similar percentage to FG. What this tells me is while they've eaten a lot of off, they haven't responded in kind. Which means they either are turtles or simply do not have the off troops (or even worse, attacking horribly). Unfortunately, this simply doesn't bode well. Hoping your opponent will burn out and have less steam is generally not a good strategy. The ridiculously large council needs to get the tribe in order as well as improve overall morale. Having a lot of villages but no troops or coordinated operations in long wars is simply a recipe for defeat.

3. Peak Performers |1.49 mil points | Level 26 | 9,324,152 obash | 6,085,968 dbash

Not so Peak anymore after bearing the brunt of F.G's nukes. The increase in obash is an almost atrocious 400k (5%), hence why F.G's bash changes are so impressive in retrospect. This is to be expected is Peak was indeed 'naive' and not prepared for F.G's war. If their frontlines were truly caught off guard, it will take a while before there's a chance to break their winning streak. Peak must consolidate what they have remaining and likely rebuild the many nukes lost along the frontlines. This doesn't mean the tribe doesn't have any potential, the top 3 bash are all Peak players. They may indeed have very solid players, but have a lower quality of player overall than F.G. It is up to Peak to coordinate with GOB and IDP effectively to salvage the chance of winning the war, or at the very least, stunt the impressive growth of F.G. Both Peak and IDP have barely increased in points, which is concerning. Often a sign of a fair war is both the warring tribe increasing in points but without such significant deviations in percentage growth.

4. The Real X | 743,183 Points | Level 15 | 3,226,561 obash | 1,710,320 dbash

This tribe just makes me go hmmmmmm. Tremendous growth of almost 53% with commensurate 55% growth in bash. Even more impressive, off bash has increased by 1.5 million (92%!). The benefits of being a rim tribe with great players, a small size, and far away from the primary war in the world. Definitely a tribe to watch out for. I recognize a few of their members and I now believe a few more are playing under alts for sure. TheSilentBang with an impressive 100 million farmed in 38 days. Have I seen better? Yes, but he is the best on the servers and should be recognized as such. Tribes like these are what F.G should pay attention to because inevitably they will likely cross path and perhaps be a capable opponent.

5. Guild of Bashers | 725,764 Points| Level 12 | 2,280,704 obash |1,426,746 dbash

Falling to fifth place after disappointing growth, the challenges faced by warring with F.G. is seen. Significant increase in dbash (72%) is reflective of having a difficult defensive front. Their member composition is relatively balanced, given them being a rim tribe. Will have to work together well with Peak and IDP to have a chance in this war.

Did plan to write some more but I am kinda tired and am not gonna bother with spell checking things. As for the forum ppl to argue and make drama thanks.
