I am quite new to the world, so please do correct me if you think I'm mistaken in my discussion. I missed much of the early game and any drama or merges . Trying to make this forum a little less 'quiet' with a discussion post. All my opinions are my personal, subjective views. They may be accurate but also sometimes wrong as I may lack certain context.
The world seems quite even right now, with the top 3 tribes each occupying a solid chunk of territory and have distinct front-lines they must deal with. No one tribe has total control of the core. -P- appears to have a few member in the center of F.G territory, though I don't imagine they'll be there for long. While IDP appears to have a significant amount of villas, they have almost twice the members of -P-, F.G. Points per villa for them will be lower and likely overall quality of players. No overwhelming stomp as of yet, which suggest a fun and bash heavy world.
1. Faceless Gods | 2.31 mil points | 56 Members | Level 27 | 10.4 million obash | 3.7 million dbash
Solid stats across the board, as should a rank 1 tribe have. Highest overall bash but only a bash/point ratio of 6.1 - respectable but not the highest. Highest points per member (PPM) so does have some of the players that's been around the longest. Have 7 of the top10 players, among them some solid players the likes of Masked, Frippen, Pouti, Valkus, marshallruss. Currently at war with -P-, IDP and GOB. They seem to be doing well, given the amount of tribes they're at war with. Haven't tracked conquest so can't say much on who's winning the war. A solid contender to be around for the endgame. Have the NW and 50% of the core locked down currently.
2. Peak Performers |1.49 mil points | 65 Members | Level 25 | 8.3 million obash | 4.2 million dbash
Despite being nearly 800k points behind F.G, they have a strong bash and are giving a fight. Highest bash/points ratio coming in at 8.4. These guys are fighting well despite villa deficits and are only a few hundred points behind in points per village (PPV). Current have 50% of core/core-SW locked down. If someone would like to comment on the -P- player scattered in deep F.G territory please enlighten me, I'm quite curious. Have 3 of the top10 players. I do not know MissV but stats tells me whomever he or she is a solid player (though the lack of 100 million looted is quite concerning at this stage). Can't comment too much on the players of the tribe but I do see a few solid ones. At war with F.G obviously but not sure how its going for them.
3. Independent | 1.44 mil points | 112 Members | Level 17 | 6.1 million obash | 3.3 million dbash
The big, kind-of MRT tribe. There's always one - doesn't mean the tribe is too bad though. Solid bash and points/bash ratio, which suggests these guys can atleast war. Near total lock down of the NE, have plenty of room to develop are grow villages. A few in the SE too. Relatively unrestricted growth, if they can defeat the F.G frontlines. Borders Law of Karma to the SE, don't know about their diplo so can't comment to much on the future of that front. War with F.G at the moment, which makes the war relatively even but the IDP/-P- front does have a point advantage. Not sure about net conquest on this war (if anyone knows/wants to brag, do comment below). I do have some reservations about the tribe's leadership but they have players ranging from maybe B+ tier to C tier. (perhaps one or two A tier players as well).
4. Guild of Bashers | 0.52 mil points |54 Members | Level 12 | 1.4 million obash | 0.97 million dbash
Don't really know much about this tribe. Their bash/points ratio is relatively low at 4.55. I keep mentioning this ratio as I think its a good indicator of rough troop levels/ability to nuke/defend efficiently/how active they are in rebuilding troops. Obviously not the best ratio but good enough for rough analysis. If they were to war -P-, that could put them [-P] in some serious trouble, as they won't have a safe backline to work with. Have the rim to themselves for growth. The low obash/dbash ratio is also concerning, suggesting their members are having a difficult time fending for themselves (unable to be the aggressor). Can't speak of leadership or players, I personally do not know enough.
5. The Real X | 0.42 mil points | 28 Members | Level 14 | 1.6 million obash | 1.2 million dbash
The SE tribe. Shares a lot of SE space with Law of Karma, so I see war being inevitable if they are not already at war. Likely only one tribe will come to dominate the space. Good bash/points ratio that leaves room for development. Again can't comment on their players or leaders, I'm not personally aware of them and haven't done enough research.
Rank 5-10. Not gonna comment on them. Don't think any of them are of particular noteworthiness. If you think you're tribe should be mentioned, comment below. I am late to the world, so I haven't kept track of those. But in the future I will mention stuff like Conquest/Assaulter/Defender/Thieves etc, especially the weekly ones (that is if I write more of these). I hope this post starts some discussions - this world is lacking it.
Brag away!
The world seems quite even right now, with the top 3 tribes each occupying a solid chunk of territory and have distinct front-lines they must deal with. No one tribe has total control of the core. -P- appears to have a few member in the center of F.G territory, though I don't imagine they'll be there for long. While IDP appears to have a significant amount of villas, they have almost twice the members of -P-, F.G. Points per villa for them will be lower and likely overall quality of players. No overwhelming stomp as of yet, which suggest a fun and bash heavy world.
1. Faceless Gods | 2.31 mil points | 56 Members | Level 27 | 10.4 million obash | 3.7 million dbash
Solid stats across the board, as should a rank 1 tribe have. Highest overall bash but only a bash/point ratio of 6.1 - respectable but not the highest. Highest points per member (PPM) so does have some of the players that's been around the longest. Have 7 of the top10 players, among them some solid players the likes of Masked, Frippen, Pouti, Valkus, marshallruss. Currently at war with -P-, IDP and GOB. They seem to be doing well, given the amount of tribes they're at war with. Haven't tracked conquest so can't say much on who's winning the war. A solid contender to be around for the endgame. Have the NW and 50% of the core locked down currently.
2. Peak Performers |1.49 mil points | 65 Members | Level 25 | 8.3 million obash | 4.2 million dbash
Despite being nearly 800k points behind F.G, they have a strong bash and are giving a fight. Highest bash/points ratio coming in at 8.4. These guys are fighting well despite villa deficits and are only a few hundred points behind in points per village (PPV). Current have 50% of core/core-SW locked down. If someone would like to comment on the -P- player scattered in deep F.G territory please enlighten me, I'm quite curious. Have 3 of the top10 players. I do not know MissV but stats tells me whomever he or she is a solid player (though the lack of 100 million looted is quite concerning at this stage). Can't comment too much on the players of the tribe but I do see a few solid ones. At war with F.G obviously but not sure how its going for them.
3. Independent | 1.44 mil points | 112 Members | Level 17 | 6.1 million obash | 3.3 million dbash
The big, kind-of MRT tribe. There's always one - doesn't mean the tribe is too bad though. Solid bash and points/bash ratio, which suggests these guys can atleast war. Near total lock down of the NE, have plenty of room to develop are grow villages. A few in the SE too. Relatively unrestricted growth, if they can defeat the F.G frontlines. Borders Law of Karma to the SE, don't know about their diplo so can't comment to much on the future of that front. War with F.G at the moment, which makes the war relatively even but the IDP/-P- front does have a point advantage. Not sure about net conquest on this war (if anyone knows/wants to brag, do comment below). I do have some reservations about the tribe's leadership but they have players ranging from maybe B+ tier to C tier. (perhaps one or two A tier players as well).
4. Guild of Bashers | 0.52 mil points |54 Members | Level 12 | 1.4 million obash | 0.97 million dbash
Don't really know much about this tribe. Their bash/points ratio is relatively low at 4.55. I keep mentioning this ratio as I think its a good indicator of rough troop levels/ability to nuke/defend efficiently/how active they are in rebuilding troops. Obviously not the best ratio but good enough for rough analysis. If they were to war -P-, that could put them [-P] in some serious trouble, as they won't have a safe backline to work with. Have the rim to themselves for growth. The low obash/dbash ratio is also concerning, suggesting their members are having a difficult time fending for themselves (unable to be the aggressor). Can't speak of leadership or players, I personally do not know enough.
5. The Real X | 0.42 mil points | 28 Members | Level 14 | 1.6 million obash | 1.2 million dbash
The SE tribe. Shares a lot of SE space with Law of Karma, so I see war being inevitable if they are not already at war. Likely only one tribe will come to dominate the space. Good bash/points ratio that leaves room for development. Again can't comment on their players or leaders, I'm not personally aware of them and haven't done enough research.
Rank 5-10. Not gonna comment on them. Don't think any of them are of particular noteworthiness. If you think you're tribe should be mentioned, comment below. I am late to the world, so I haven't kept track of those. But in the future I will mention stuff like Conquest/Assaulter/Defender/Thieves etc, especially the weekly ones (that is if I write more of these). I hope this post starts some discussions - this world is lacking it.
Brag away!