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The most epic battle of this world


LOL now that the entire world is against me all of the 30k bash point players are attacking me!
the kind of guys that will watch a fight and see someone get knocked out and then shyly go over, make sure he's unconcsious, and stomp on his head!

Is that just like your trusted hat or something?
I 100% thought that was a burger king hat.
lol i just still have it here from christmas i thought it would be good to wear for the videos
LOL now that the entire world is against me all of the 30k bash point players are attacking me!
the kind of guys that will watch a fight and see someone get knocked out and then shyly go over, make sure he's unconcsious, and stomp on his head!

lol i just still have it here from christmas i thought it would be good to wear for the videos

I went from literally finding you the most annoying person I've encountered however after that video I actually have some love for you.

Also your 100% correct about K-Cal he is fairly trash at the game.

Keep the hat man.

I think you should to live commentary of worlds if they game ever gets fixed. Be funny.


I went from literally finding you the most annoying person I've encountered however after that video I actually have some love for you.

Also your 100% correct about K-Cal he is fairly trash at the game.

Keep the hat man.

I think you should to live commentary of worlds if they game ever gets fixed. Be funny.
you must have missed it man i was doing that sort of and playing a cult character and then the retards banned me from the forums someone reported me i guess and all the yt videos were removed
even though people have been doing it forever
threads were having 400 views some of them
most action regular threads had in ages but they killed the fun
i dont know if i wanna play this game anymore man
i invested a lot in the current tribe and SDU betrayed me like they btrayed a lot of people
the good thing is i am not even trying, not even moving my offense out when im attacked, and i have taken out 4 nukes, hit one of them to shit themselves, cleared one of their guys multiple villages and killing all their nobles , they are mad!

yeah K-Cal just rstarts 50 times to get all the MOL deals from the shop then he nobles villages in every province and he thinks he is good
while we were in the middle of a war he would do circular mail for support in continents with no other villages in them lol


these TDU guys are so retarded hitting me with 1k axes and 1 nobleman lol
holy shit i wish i never joined them it would have been way much more fun smashing them
Can you feel the love in the air.

Seemingly with one youtube rant of brutal assessment,
Cultist has gone from somewhat of a communal pariah to An admired, almost beloved maverick figure.
At this rate they'll be a Cult of Cultist popping up if this game wasn't on life support.

Although I'd have to see you on the battlefield Cultist to judge further.
There's a lot of legends in this game.
VP realms are generally filled with part timers.

Whereas Anticipated Doms attract the big boys. Generally..... like me :p


Can you feel the love in the air.

Seemingly with one youtube rant of brutal assessment,
Cultist has gone from somewhat of a communal pariah to An admired, almost beloved maverick figure.
At this rate they'll be a Cult of Cultist popping up if this game wasn't on life support.

Although I'd have to see you on the battlefield Cultist to judge further.
There's a lot of legends in this game.
VP realms are generally filled with part timers.

Whereas Anticipated Doms attract the big boys. Generally..... like me :p
love is in the air!
i was much better at this game on TW1 and like 10 years ago lol
i play this game mostly for the politics and diplomacy and just seeing how things progress
i usually get lazy late game though
im not a superb player id prob rate myself a 7/10
10 years ago maybe a 9/10 on tw1
after seeing the shit show on the newest world man and all the blatant cheating i dont know
i want to play but shit really needs to change
i wonder how many people were cheating on the world im on
probably loads

and ohhh i am attracted to Doms ;)
love is in the air!
i was much better at this game on TW1 and like 10 years ago lol
i play this game mostly for the politics and diplomacy and just seeing how things progress
i usually get lazy late game though
im not a superb player id prob rate myself a 7/10
10 years ago maybe a 9/10 on tw1
after seeing the shit show on the newest world man and all the blatant cheating i dont know
i want to play but shit really needs to change
i wonder how many people were cheating on the world im on
probably loads

and ohhh i am attracted to Doms ;)
I never played tw1
Only tw2 from around en21
The en 20s and 40s and 50s were good
(Left game for a while during the 30s )

However gradually the game has gotten worse with cheating and unhanded gameplay .
To where we are now.
Where legitimate Realms are a thing of the past.
Once upon a time. It was quite seldom.
And realms were Fun and everyone had to put time and effort in.

Now... Well just look now.
The game is in desperate need of a major overhaul.
To give us all the fair and balanced Realms we all want.
But this seems more and more unlikely unfortunately
Jhez looks like you can't even finish a world without being kick from your tribe. Running theme it seems.
Hello. I had to make a forum account to answer to this Lmao.
He basically flamed and went totally crazy on multiple members of our tribe. We decided to kick him after many chances, I even told him to personally SHUT UP, but he didn't listen. The great cultist lost 4 villages to me in less than 12 hours. I'm sure everything else will be taken soon. Byebye.
Btw good job catting down my one village while I was offline. So proud haha.. I even supported this lunatic for weeks after other "issues" with the tribe. Maybe seek some mental help bro
Hello. I had to make a forum account to answer to this Lmao.
He basically flamed and went totally crazy on multiple members of our tribe. We decided to kick him after many chances, I even told him to personally SHUT UP, but he didn't listen. The great cultist lost 4 villages to me in less than 12 hours. I'm sure everything else will be taken soon. Byebye.
Btw good job catting down my one village while I was offline. So proud haha.. I even supported this lunatic for weeks after other "issues" with the tribe. Maybe seek some mental help bro
how surprising


Hello. I had to make a forum account to answer to this Lmao.
He basically flamed and went totally crazy on multiple members of our tribe. We decided to kick him after many chances, I even told him to personally SHUT UP, but he didn't listen. The great cultist lost 4 villages to me in less than 12 hours. I'm sure everything else will be taken soon. Byebye.
Btw good job catting down my one village while I was offline. So proud haha.. I even supported this lunatic for weeks after other "issues" with the tribe. Maybe seek some mental help bro
this isn't true. you didn't take 4 villages, you took 3, while i slept and they were empty because you had your tribe do all the work for days before you lifted a finger to take empty villages.
TDU are such a shit tribe that i have had about 8 of my claims taken because you guys don't even read the forums. TCM will attest for what I am about to say if you ask them - I was the one doing the work against TCM, me and Mark. We were at war with them and they wil recognise what I done. One of TDU's players, Batu Khan, has taken 4 free villages from me. This time he nobled me. ,My tribe mate nobled me. Enough was enough. Batu then went on sending nukes to my villages and I was told by council to 'wait patiently.' Then I was kicked and thy all joined in. They done a similar thing to belthequeen - they told her there was no room to join the tribe and to wait, after having told her to leave her tribe to join TDU. Then they all attacked her. It is a cowardly move. It is now day 3 and I am still in the game v the 'best tribe' in the world by myself. With all their trbie buffs and me by my lonesome. noob123 is mad because I knocked down his lvl 30 farm, his academy, and his nobles and nukes.,
He brags now that he nobled my villages after when he joined the fight I was down to less than 2k axes left. He is a coward. It's l;ike stomping on someone's head when he is passed out after your mates done all the work.

I am glad I got kicked cos I learned a valuable lesson. These guys will win the world but they are not good players.
belthequeen was handling TDU all by herself with ease. Same as me. But when you are one person v all of this it's just a matter of time. I honestly SHOULD have been wiped within hours of being kicked but day 3 and I am still here despite being surrounded and having gone to sleep a few times.
The tribe is trash

lol at knob123 bragging about nobling villages with a 100 troops in them when i was asleep and when 100s and 100s of other attacks had already been launched. You done a very poor job, I destroyed so many of you and made you look so weak

Also, to put more into perspective. noob123 is a part of the council. The problems he is talking about previously is I made a joke aboutwhen they were bringing in an enemy player into our tribe, (more cowardice) that he was a ukrainian refugee. they wanted to kick me for that joke, seriously...
One person got kicked for calling 'Bielsa' a c*nt. Bielsa is council.
But they were fine when players would cross noble, steal claims, and nuke their own players.
The council of this tribe are soft. Seeing what you and trhe rest of SDU say, you would also been kicked long ago. however, I doubt you would have joined such a crappy tribe to begin with
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not true, i dont think people is here caring so much about dramas. People are here to enjoy the game, not arguing and fighting