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Tactical Reporting.


I have a question
Since tactical reporting breaks game rule 8: "Knowingly benefiting from another player breaking the rules is prohibited"
As waiting to report a breach till it suits your needs is prohibited as you are knowingly benefiting from it, surely those doing it should also be banned with immediate effect?
Also if they are falsely reporting something tactically, shouldn't they be punished more severely i.e longer or permanent ban?


As moderators don't moderate worlds that we play, we don't really see what is happening regarding the worlds. Though tactical reporting is against the rules, it is not always easy to prove it. In situations such as tribes that you are at war with, of course you are going to have your eyes more on certain players actions, which means that the players are more vigilant to certain actions.

There have been cases where I have had to warn people though when we can see a behaviour from certain players, that looks like it would be tactical reporting.


I am not sure I agree about the difficulty of proving tactical reporting. It seems fairly obvious to me when big events take place and suddenly a spate of reports come in benefiting 1 side of that event it has to be tactical. Especially when that side has pulled the same thing already. Coincidences are very unlikely in this game where players often have played with and against each other on numerous worlds.


I understand where you are coming from, however in some cases, what you may believe is tactical reporting, may be just that the player has been reported over a longer period of time than you may believe, however the evidence required has only just come up when needed. The ultimate way to avoid tactical reporting, is to not break any rules in which you can be tactically reported against. That would solve the problem fully, however it's not an ideal world situation and some are still going to try and gain advantage over others using foul methods.


I agree, it would be nice if everyone was like me and didn't break the rules. Though it might make your job a touch boring.


It sounds that its maybe another ban in T-P beacause of cheating? Or do i miss it completly?


Banning people is probably the least fun part of my job. I prefer to try and help the game develop and relay feedback, rather than argue with someone for an hour that they committed an offence and will be punished for it.
Bug fixing and positive suggestions are the better part of my job, however I would say my favourite is helping people who don't know how to use certain controls in the game. So people no longer breaking the rules would be less of the things I find monotonous, and more of the things I enjoy doing.


It sounds that its maybe another ban in T-P beacause of cheating? Or do i miss it completly?

omg i wish i could get 1 crown for each time i see one of those kind of players post this kind of horse shit... i would be rich


Maybe you are one of those players that like cheaters? Because it looks like you defend it


Maybe you are one of those players that like cheaters? Because it looks like you defend it

and another crown for that response, such typical excuse comeback.

Lad you speak with the guy that organise the GvG events in some RvR games... I reinforce the rules so i kindly ask you not to come with assumptions and try and be more polite.... tbh with what i heard your unable to even understand the difference between a POLICE and a THIEF. Like you would kill them both if they did something wrong. No care what so ever what happens. stupid politican


Maybe you are one of those players that like cheaters? Because it looks like you defend it

If that is to me, how am I defending cheaters? Do you even understand the situation I was talking about? But then again I think you may have even admitted to being a tactical reporter in another thread


obviously carrot is a tactical reporter, he is the kind of dude that would want snowden to get life in prison for telling the public about a massive undercover shit that is pretty much ILLEGAL in most countries eyes.

it's that kind of attitude and people that make everyone only think about themselves and not about anyone else.


Yes maybe but i dont multiplay or coop abuse. Lets just say that im very curious about what happening with some T-P accounts next days. I wouldnt be to suprised if some accounts go inactive beacause of loosing coops. And it can also be intresting to se if some active accounts is inactive a few days. But im pretty sure you dont se me go inactive i actually dont have any idea who is cooping this accounts. So its not so easy to take advantage of it. Ant to tell the truth to take advantage of an inactive accounts its just to look at TW2-Tools


But i see that youy are more worried about people that report cheating then you are at cheaters


But i see that youy are more worried about people that report cheating then you are at cheaters

Tactical reporting is against the rules, so by definition a tactical reporter is a cheater. I am worried about that sort of cheating as much as I am about multi accounting and pushing. I am all for people reporting cheating as soon as they have some evidence, not waiting till it suits their needs.


Tactical reporting is against the rules, so by definition a tactical reporter is a cheater. I am worried about that sort of cheating as much as I am about multi accounting and pushing. I am all for people reporting cheating as soon as they have some evidence, not waiting till it suits their needs.
All forms of cheating are detestable. The problem with tactical reporting is that it is a consequential circumstance. With a real time game it is nearly impossible, or highly improbable to stop players from taking advantage of a situation, when presented to them or discover it on their own.
These players are playing by the rules, an in turn unknowingly become complicit in the original cheaters wrong doing.
So is your goal to punish players that have no idea that a player has been punished for their wrong doing? For the players playing by the rules all they know the 'offending cheater' may have been offline, quit, or thought the coop was going to be on for them.
It is also against the rules for the player that knows a cheater is playing and does not report them, they are just as much at fault, they are deemed guilty by association. So, if you knew what was going on and did not report it yourself, you are just as much of the problem as the original rule breaker.
The reason you are most likely sore, is that it affects you and your tribe negatively. The spirit of fair gaming is at the heart of this, and I know that players have been given discipline for tactical reporting. This is a dual edge sword and truth of the situation/punishment often lies somewhere in between the given sides story.


honest;y your all just focusing on t-p and yet it the mods were to look through all the major tribes on the world they would likely find that there's atleast 2-3 in each tribe breaking the rules.


I realy wondering why there is 1 account thats been internally nobled by T-P today. After they used it to get a churchvilla in a province and attack a player yesterday.


All forms of cheating are detestable. The problem with tactical reporting is that it is a consequential circumstance. With a real time game it is nearly impossible, or highly improbable to stop players from taking advantage of a situation, when presented to them or discover it on their own.
These players are playing by the rules, an in turn unknowingly become complicit in the original cheaters wrong doing.
So is your goal to punish players that have no idea that a player has been punished for their wrong doing? For the players playing by the rules all they know the 'offending cheater' may have been offline, quit, or thought the coop was going to be on for them.
It is also against the rules for the player that knows a cheater is playing and does not report them, they are just as much at fault, they are deemed guilty by association. So, if you knew what was going on and did not report it yourself, you are just as much of the problem as the original rule breaker.
The reason you are most likely sore, is that it affects you and your tribe negatively. The spirit of fair gaming is at the heart of this, and I know that players have been given discipline for tactical reporting. This is a dual edge sword and truth of the situation/punishment often lies somewhere in between the given sides story.

None of my posts referred to punishing anybody except cheaters. I asked about tactical reporters being punished, these are cheaters. I don't remember even mentioning what happens to a banned players account whether they are guilty or not, oh yeah that's because I didn't. So how you came up with my advocating punishing unconnected players is something to do with you not me, maybe it is your conscience.
For your benefit, here is my stance on that issue. If a player is banned and it is justified whatever happens to their account is their own fault. If a player is banned and it turns out to be a false tactical reporting issue, then the anything that happens to the unfairly banned person should be made good from the false accuser's account, not any third party who unknowingly got an advantage from it.
If you are accusing me of not reporting a cheater, then I would ask who do you think I should be reporting and why? I would also point out you should have no idea what reports I have or have not made.
I am not sure how this negatively affects me, as I am not cheating. So any report you file against me will find me innocent of whatever you claim. Does it negatively affect my tribe, probably but then if I was to start reporting members of your tribe it would be the same for that tribe. But again I like how you think you know my reasons when you know nothing about me.