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Biggest Battles (Jaunpils)



you can imagine how many stacks


Nice nuke village, must be close to max possible provisions with acad etc. I'm sad I missed the bountiful season.


RES did an op against me today.

Nuke 1.png

He landed 2 hours too early RIP.

Nuke 2.png
Nuke 3.png
Nuke 4.png
Nuke 5.png
Nuke 6.png
Nuke 7.png
Nuke 8.png
Nuke 9.png

They rangered the last cata nuke, didnt get a village and I didnt lose much in the end.
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The surrounding discussion in this world is even better as it pertains to me.

After I killed their nukes they said this.
Screenshot_2021-03-15 Tribal Wars 2 (1 97).png

I dont cheat nor do I have spies in your tribe or any tribe. Just you have alot of unhappy people in your tribe over how you guys are approaching the world. They dont tell me where the attacks are going or even if I will be attacked, but they do show me funny tidbits when you guys say and do things like the below.

as far as the percent of hey that is me... its 25% because theres 4 of us in the tribe and i have one account...

But why dont we look at Tribe Stats.

And my bash points
Bash Points.png

Apparently I alone have resulted in the top tribe looking to merge!
Screenshot_2021-03-15 Tribal Wars 2 (1 97)(1).png

Lets look where the tribes, and me are situated... (I am in HEY but marked myself pink to show exactly where I am in comparison to the rest of my HUGEEEE TRIBE).
Screenshot_2021-03-15 Map EN Jaunpils - Shared - Tw2-Tracker(1).png

I am glad I am so big and scary as to make the #1 tribe by over 2x the points of second place consider and likely merge with the 4th biggest tribe :).
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so u do have a spy in our tribe. LOL. u sure u aint using alt accounts to stack 100k def into ur villages ;)


so u do have a spy in our tribe. LOL. u sure u aint using alt accounts to stack 100k def into ur villages ;)
No unlike quite a few of your tribe ive had the 100k troop achievement for weeks and actually build troops :p.

and again i dont have a spy as much as ppl who just are amazed at the actions the RES tribe has taken. They dont send me relevant revealing information that impacts the game. and yes i said "they" there are many who are amazed. Usually the people message me due to fighting and since I dont hold grudges on that stuff we end up having a fun convo lol.


No unlike quite a few of your tribe ive had the 100k troop achievement for weeks and actually build troops :p.

build troops?? u mean crowns troops lmao.

and again i dont have a spy as much as ppl who just are amazed at the actions the RES tribe has taken. They dont send me relevant revealing information that impacts the game. and yes i said "they" there are many who are amazed. Usually the people message me due to fighting and since I dont hold grudges on that stuff we end up having a fun convo lol.

i honestly dont know what ur saying here. someone sends u info that doesnt impact the game?? now thats bullshit. and who is this someone? someone u know or someone from another tribe?


build troops?? u mean crowns troops lmao.

i honestly dont know what ur saying here. someone sends u info that doesnt impact the game?? now thats bullshit. and who is this someone? someone u know or someone from another tribe?

You do know "crowned troops" (which i have not done) dont count towards your troop achievement (im 99% sure of that) so yeah no i made all my troops through a barracks. Plus crowning 100k troops would probably be rather expensive...


You do know "crowned troops" (which i have not done) dont count towards your troop achievement (im 99% sure of that) so yeah no i made all my troops through a barracks. Plus crowning 100k troops would probably be rather expensive...
so u got to 100k troops without crowing. i find that hard to believe. either ur spending to much time on this game or ur crowning :)


Great defense there! Looks like you are having fun.
It can't be that hard to get over 100k troops, I'm well over and had to restart on the rim.


you should be more honest when there are 3-4 paladins from another accounts defending your main village lol


well i don't really care bout this game though since I've real lyfe lol, we also having fun here, got some bash as well :D


The surrounding discussion in this world is even better as it pertains to me.

After I killed their nukes they said this.
View attachment 2355

I dont cheat nor do I have spies in your tribe or any tribe. Just you have alot of unhappy people in your tribe over how you guys are approaching the world. They dont tell me where the attacks are going or even if I will be attacked, but they do show me funny tidbits when you guys say and do things like the below.

as far as the percent of hey that is me... its 25% because theres 4 of us in the tribe and i have one account...

But why dont we look at Tribe Stats.
View attachment 2356View attachment 2357

And my bash points
View attachment 2358

Apparently I alone have resulted in the top tribe looking to merge!
View attachment 2359

Lets look where the tribes, and me are situated... (I am in HEY but marked myself pink to show exactly where I am in comparison to the rest of my HUGEEEE TRIBE).
View attachment 2361

I am glad I am so big and scary as to make the #1 tribe by over 2x the points of second place consider and likely merge with the 4th biggest tribe :).
i think you're too much spend your time in the game mate so Narcissistic, believe me we do not consider you as a real threat, yeah you're a threat but if we compare to our real enemies i think not, even we didnt mark you as red (you can ask your spies about this lol).. besides we fighting 3 front, we only want to make some fun with you and looking for some bash, meanwhile we strengthen our border with our enemies


i think you're too much spend your time in the game mate so Narcissistic, believe me we do not consider you as a real threat, yeah you're a threat but if we compare to our real enemies i think not, even we didnt mark you as red.. besides we fighting 3 front, we only want to make some fun with you and looking for some bash, meanwhile we strengthen our border with our enemies
are you pissed that you asking help from 4th tribe but got rejected? lol
People when their ass are kicked on tw2:
Your crowning
Your cheating
and the best reason of them all "yoUr sPenDinG tOo muCh timE iN tHe gAme"


you should be more honest when there are 3-4 paladins from another accounts defending your main village lol View attachment 2362
I dont think i said i never got some aide from players in defending? Did i? maybe i did i dunno.

I said i dont have multiple accounts because I dont. There are other players in this game besides me who dont like RES. Its your job to figure out who they were...

I am also not narcacisstic because i literally copied your leaders message. its not narcacissicm if i say you were thinking in part of merging as a result of me and I base that on your leader saying "hey maybe we should merge because in part we can deal with lyfe better."


I dont think i said i never got some aide from players in defending? Did i? maybe i did i dunno.

I said i dont have multiple accounts because I dont. There are other players in this game besides me who dont like RES. Its your job to figure out who they were...

I am also not narcacisstic because i literally copied your leaders message. its not narcacissicm if i say you were thinking in part of merging as a result of me and I base that on your leader saying "hey maybe we should merge because in part we can deal with lyfe better."
good at least you're more honest now ;)

i dont need to figure it out, since we already war with many big tribes, they might helping you with pleasure, like NMN lol
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