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Would you like World-chat?

hi this is my first time playing TW2
I have previously played evony but that game died a long time ago

one of the first things I noticed when I logged onto TW2, was the absence of a full world-chat

I cant be the only person who wishes an entire server could talk to each other

is there anyone else who feels this way?

thanks for reading,
- Pan


I liked the Evony world chat. It was useful to see what was going on.


A server wide or even global chat is something that has been suggested a number of times. Which, unfortunately, is all of the information I have available.
No, personally I don't want a world chat, the forums are dead as is, imagine what it would be like with world chat. Furthermore the servers are God awful as it, imagine the additional server load that INNO would no doubt end up cheaping out on.


Mmm... Depending on how they implemented it, there wouldn't be any perceptible loss in game server performance.
But you're probably right, honestly.
just think how hard that would be to moderate lol... nightmare for sure In past games i have played it was an issue and the trolling and bot spamming was obnoxious


just think how hard that would be to moderate lol... nightmare for sure In past games i have played it was an issue and the trolling and bot spamming was obnoxious
Lol, at first I said it wouldn't be that hard and then I started listing all the things the mods would need to do the job and realized it would be a development nightmare.


It's actually quite easy to develop world chat, could do it for you if you pay the coin :)


It's actually quite easy to develop world chat, could do it for you if you pay the coin :)
Getting a world chat itself is easy, getting all the features we as team members would need, all the security, all the company prescribed best practice compliance and legal compliance is another story.


It's very doable, but I think it would still be a nightmare getting it to work well with all of Innos other tools it would need to be compatible with. :(

But if that's something you'd be interested in doing and if Inno is interested in contracting out a job to someone, then by all means, contact them with an offer.
Like I said before though, I just know that it's been suggested, not if it's had approval or anything.

The only reason I don't do work for this game is because I have too much other work to be done or else I'd just consider it an act of merciful charity at this point.