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World Closure Query?


Hey all,
Was wondering what is happening on the world closure please? Our tribe B D has taken enough % to rule this world and players wanting world to close out.

Is there still something to be done? Or do we vote on it?



I agree with Blue Dragon, please take action to close this world out as the victory conditions were met several days ago and players wish to move on. Thanks for acting on this.



Well for now we can vote here,but it will be done officially again.


Lets wind up, get the prize money and concentrate on Rumeli


The community manager that closes worlds down has been notified. Please remain patient and it will be done in due time. The world will be put to vote as to if anyone wants to close it, or keep it open, and the results will reflect what will happen. This will be done as soon as time permits for those in question. Thanks for the patience and understanding.


The community manager that closes worlds down has been notified. Please remain patient and it will be done in due time. The world will be put to vote as to if anyone wants to close it, or keep it open, and the results will reflect what will happen. This will be done as soon as time permits for those in question. Thanks for the patience and understanding.
Thanks for coming back on it.


Well, I for one do not want the world to close

Then break your truce with BD, stop farmvilling and attack a real player..... lol Sure is fun eating barbs and inactives for the rest of your life.... lol


I have attacked real players and when I do attack, those players do know that they have been hit and hard


Then break your truce with BD, stop farmvilling and attack a real player..... lol Sure is fun eating barbs and inactives for the rest of your life.... lol

Agree with this.. all the active players won the world and now want to move on. Not keep playing a ghost world!

Lets all get cling? Just kidding


I have attacked real players and when I do attack, those players do know that they have been hit and hard
Well the world will close as majority of villages and players are on winning tribe side lol! But enjoy it till it closes.


Well, it seems that B D are turning on their allies to make sure that nobody can oppose their closure of this world


Well if allies with 90% in actives opposes where does that ally stands,besides BD did gave every ally the chance to be in the winning tribe.So,the ones opposing are the ones blinded nothing can be said for them,and those who want to stay allies BD didn't lay a finger on them.


I can confirm on that, all our allies had multiple occasions to join us at different times. Since it's TA mostly that you were talking about there, when i got a screenshoot of their leader issuing orders to mass recruit anyone and conquer barbs to prevent us from winning, i'd say is kinda a clear betrayal in itself, so i don't see why it's so surprising that we turn and try to dismantle them.


Thousands of Roses for you :p
Well Someone planned while others tried to attack from behind.....:mad:
But resistance have been taken care of ;)


The community manager that closes worlds down has been notified. Please remain patient and it will be done in due time. The world will be put to vote as to if anyone wants to close it, or keep it open, and the results will reflect what will happen. This will be done as soon as time permits for those in question. Thanks for the patience and understanding.

SERIOUSLY HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE? We first asked about this 17th May and before, it's now June and some 15 days later and no sign of closure.. doesnt even take a bank that long. I GUESS money is now more important than retaining players who like the game... far cry from the original game! Have lost patients!


This world will be closed tomorrow; The CM's are aware :)


Hi Canibal12, So the whole thing about an official vote thread, to close the world, is just a suggestion? When one tribe is big enough and screams loud enough? Regards paulks