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Tribal wars 1 - my god


Well I thought I'd go and see whether I preferred TW1 because of how heavy P2W and slow TW2 is.

My god its awful. The graphics are like something off my old Amiga 600 in 1992. I can't even look at it without feeling sick.


Consider that the low graphics are actually updated slightly from what I remember.
It also allowed a system where players could send thousands of attacks for a victim to sift through to try and discern where the real attacks were coming to try and defend against.

Along with countless other scripts and tools that would allow player growth to be much more exponential than it currently is through the paced down game that is now tribal wars 2.

You still have to farm like mad for a competitive start here, but in comparison, this game is a holiday.

Edit: Even numbered worlds as of 68, I believe, incorporate "pay to win" features.


Well I can't even try to play it for more than 5 minutes because the graphics are so bad. I notice you actually have to pay for a larger screen view lol that just says it all. I may as well wipe turd all over my computer screen it would look better.

I'm just so dissappointed right now I can't put it into words. Not with TW1 but with TW2. I wanted something that would offer intellegence, strategic planning, a good pace of play, competitiveness and all I'm getting is bored. Bored with this game and bored with my life sitting here trying to entertain myself on this forum which only about 10 players bother posting on.


dangerousdan;n8610 said:
I'm just so dissappointed right now I can't put it into words. Not with TW1 but with TW2. I wanted something that would offer intellegence, strategic planning, a good pace of play, competitiveness and all I'm getting is bored. Bored with this game and bored with my life sitting here trying to entertain myself on this forum which only about 10 players bother posting on.

We are still a brand new game in beta. The forums will grow and the game still has features to be released.


CrimsonBlue;n8611 said:
We are still a brand new game in beta. The forums will grow and the game still has features to be released.

I know it does and I'm sorry for being so pesimistic but I can't help the way I feel about it. TW2 has got something it really does because I'm still here logging on every day, willing for something different to happen that will give me something interesting to do and feel rewarding, but at the moment I have to say I'm not getting that. I think the main reason for it is the pace of the game. I have 180+ hours of recruiting queues in my 1000 point villa which just shows how slow the game is.

Speed the game up, but don't do it before the app is released because that will just benefit the jobless hobos who can stare at the game all day long.

And regarding the forums, TW2 beta already has over 1 MILLION players (I read it in a review). For that amount of players the participation in these forums is pretty bad.


dangerousdan;n8612 said:
And regarding the forums, TW2 beta already has over 1 MILLION players (I read it in a review). For that amount of players the participation in these forums is pretty bad.
Is that for EN, or across the closed beta, english, russian, french and whatever other servers are currently running also/ Each would have their own forums.


Yes the million I assume is all countries. There are still several tens of thousands of players across all english worlds though aren't there. How many regular posters here?


Three, maybe four. Not everyone is aware that there are external forums. Considering the emphasis placed on activity here through the competitions, I'm actually surprised it isn't thrown in players faces in game.


I'll be the first to admit that most of my posts are just moaning about stuff and / or trying to entertain myself a little. So it could be argued that there is no value in them but at least I'm here.

I wonder if more people posted here whether it would add anything anyway. Most of the things we talk about are following only a couple of themes: P2W and pace.

Here's an idea - why does this forum require a separate registration / login? Anyone who has a game account should be able to post here under the same name by default.


The slower pace means a lack to what the forums are here for, PnP, Politics and Propaganda. There's no power plays being made, no blitzy declarations yet. The world is moving to slowly and too delicately for all that. The MRTs have yet to lose steam while players are happy being hemmed in by their own tribes with little to no options for growth except a future of growing bored and leaving their hard work to the players who are persistent enough to wait for that pay off. Out of the dying meatshield will emerge those who were willing to hold on to be gifted villages by players who didn't really know what they were doing, not were offered true guidance from their tribe, growing fat as the chaff falls away. That will be the end of the start up phase.


Yatogami;n8641 said:
The slower pace means a lack to what the forums are here for, PnP, Politics and Propaganda. There's no power plays being made, no blitzy declarations yet. The world is moving to slowly and too delicately for all that. The MRTs have yet to lose steam while players are happy being hemmed in by their own tribes with little to no options for growth except a future of growing bored and leaving their hard work to the players who are persistent enough to wait for that pay off. Out of the dying meatshield will emerge those who were willing to hold on to be gifted villages by players who didn't really know what they were doing, not were offered true guidance from their tribe, growing fat as the chaff falls away. That will be the end of the start up phase.

Nice analysis. Agree totally.


dangerousdan;n8639 said:
Here's an idea - why does this forum require a separate registration / login? Anyone who has a game account should be able to post here under the same name by default.

This is because your allowed to have multiple in game accounts as long as you are using only 1 account per world. You are only allowed to have one forum account per person.

Yatogami;n8641 said:
The slower pace means a lack to what the forums are here for, PnP, Politics and Propaganda. There's no power plays being made, no blitzy declarations yet. The world is moving to slowly and too delicately for all that. The MRTs have yet to lose steam while players are happy being hemmed in by their own tribes with little to no options for growth except a future of growing bored and leaving their hard work to the players who are persistent enough to wait for that pay off. Out of the dying meatshield will emerge those who were willing to hold on to be gifted villages by players who didn't really know what they were doing, not were offered true guidance from their tribe, growing fat as the chaff falls away. That will be the end of the start up phase.

I think it is far to early to come by this conclusion. I think once players and tribes have become large enough for there to be a larger scale war operation things will not only get more interesting, but activity will also pick up in the forums. It makes sense to test things at a slower pace so you can catch any issues and so that you can learn the game mechanics. I cannot say for certain, but I imagine there will be faster paced worlds eventually.


CrimsonBlue;n8656 said:
I think it is far to early to come by this conclusion. I think once players and tribes have become large enough for there to be a larger scale war operation things will not only get more interesting, but activity will also pick up in the forums. It makes sense to test things at a slower pace so you can catch any issues and so that you can learn the game mechanics. I cannot say for certain, but I imagine there will be faster paced worlds eventually.
What world are you playing on? Closed beta perhaps?

My conclusion is based on experience from the original games, where MRTs are common at start up there too, only the faster pace sees them fizzle out much faster as players are confined much faster.
It takes 27 hours to build a level 25 barracks, that's with a level 25 HQ. The world turns slowly, and so it develops slowly. It isn't too early to come to this conclusion, it is simply early in the world and that IS the conclusion.

Thinking about it, you are agreeing with me in your disagreement. Yes, yes it is, you are telling me it is too early for my conclusion and your own statement parrots what I am saying....never mind, you may ignore this post.


I agree that the game is still developing, but I do not entirely agree with your statement. From what you stated; the conclusion of this beta is that a majority players are going to get bored and stop playing. I think some will as with any game, but I do not think the majority will, because the game will get more interesting as your empire size grows as well as there is ample opportunity for everyone to learn the game. Everyone is new (to an extent) and learning their strategy. So with that being said I do not agree that it is early enough to come to a conclusion like the one you have made.

On a side note. I do think that if the worlds were to be made any faster there would be complaints that they are too fast, at least until the co-op feature or an app comes out.


I agree that the app is required before the faster pace is brought in - however this is only necessary because of the 2 space build queue. If the build queue was larger then players could queue more and wouldn't need to log on so much. And no I'm not buying extra spaces per village that is too expensive. I would have paid a small fee for extra spaces in all my villages.


CrimsonBlue;n8675 said:
I agree that the game is still developing, but I do not entirely agree with your statement. From what you stated; the conclusion of this beta is that a majority players are going to get bored and stop playing. I think some will as with any game, but I do not think the majority will, because the game will get more interesting as your empire size grows as well as there is ample opportunity for everyone to learn the game. Everyone is new (to an extent) and learning their strategy. So with that being said I do not agree that it is early enough to come to a conclusion like the one you have made.

On a side note. I do think that if the worlds were to be made any faster there would be complaints that they are too fast, at least until the co-op feature or an app comes out.

They will get bored as they do on the original game when you get tribes of 150+ players and they have no options for growth. It is not a comment towards the Beta tribal wars 2 being slow an d boring, it is a comment towards the strategy of mass recruit tribes hemming in their player. They get bored. They quit. Fact.
There is no pick up for these tribes, the only real fix to pick up the pace for mass recruiters is a shake up or disbanding, but because of the lack of a tribe limit in this game, it means there are currently tribe dominating the rankings because they have recruited every active player they can, sometime 6 in each province, and this is why there IS no fighting.

Do you not see that? Or are you not physically playing this game so that you don't get what is happening? Did you even play the original?


I did play the original (I was a moderator there too) and I do physically play this game, however I do not play the EN server, so that I can moderate on this server without there being a conflict of interest. I cannot argue with a lower tribe limit (there is currently one but it is large), I do think that would be a good idea. However, I do not think that size is all that matters in a game like this. Determination, skill, strategy and team work go into the equation relating to dominance when it comes to a RTS game, as long as the game is well balanced, and our team has stated multiple times they are working on this.

@dan: I am not going to get into a discussion about the building queue length. There have been several threads about it, and several people asking about it. I understand your views (I feel I must clarify that understanding them does not mean that I agree) and I am sure the game design team has and will discuss this in length to make sure the option is well balanced and perfect for the game.


CrimsonBlue;n8763 said:
I did play the original (I was a moderator there too) and I do physically play this game, however I do not play the EN server, so that I can moderate on this server without there being a conflict of interest. I cannot argue with a lower tribe limit (there is currently one but it is large), I do think that would be a good idea. However, I do not think that size is all that matters in a game like this. Determination, skill, strategy and team work go into the equation relating to dominance when it comes to a RTS game, as long as the game is well balanced, and our team has stated multiple times they are working on this.
If you look at the stats for the worlds currently, the majority of the ranking tribes are dominating with the recruit button, not skill, or determination, or teamwork. That can be seen in the average points per player in these tribes.

I'm not disagreeing that what you say is what tribal wars is, I'm just saying that's not really how it is currently being played.
I am watching it all around me, players being hemmed in by recruits and alliances and the fighting then goes out against the barbs.

For now, domination goes to the mass recruit tribes, as it always does in tribal wars, then as the players that can't survive next to their more determined tribemates leave, the persistent remain and wars finally break out as space runs short and more players complain to their leaders about lack of growth opportunity. This process takes longer here because of the slower build time. I've been playing en2 for 6 weeks, I don't yet have a full village, or truly full nuke.


"If you look at the stats for the worlds currently, the majority of the ranking tribes are dominating with the recruit button, not skill, or determination, or teamwork. That can be seen in the average points per player in these tribes."

That is a great thing, I dont need to be in the top rank, anyone who has common sense knows that. If you are good others will know you are good without seeing your face on the top. Point score means absoultly NOTHING