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Top 10 Players ...

I was very VERY bored so i decide to create this meaningless thread ( at this stage of the game ) .... thought it's a shame that we don't have a thread about our top players :p



Now i think it's thoughts time !! ... only 2 tribes left so let's try not to flatter our mates too much ;)

1- ehcubed ... very active and committed players no idea how he can manage his account
2- Tybor ... i don't like this one :p maybe because he is skilled and very active player from the opposite side
3- jrae123 ... i don't really know him
4- PM00 ... this one should be on the top of this list imo , he have excellent stats beside he is one of my tribe leaders :D
5- pacothewaco ... silent type
6- Draedlord ... another good player , Warlord of the SouthWest
7- smallTOTEM ... she is the type of players that all tribes want to recruit ... activity , agression and teamwork
8- dweisser2001 ... seems like he is having activity issues from time to time , i think he work often on the internal front
9- Yendor103 ... same like smallTOTEM
10- Longsword ... his area was dead for long time not much fights happened there as far as i know

ps : i feel some other great players deserve to be in the top spot , in addition to myself of course , but those are our Top 10 and each one of them deserve to be there , activity and commitment to the game is what made them elite ..... well except Unity guys :p


We should reset tribes and make a new one. Top 50 vs the world!


haha no thx id rather just win this world so i can start on a new one :p. Onto the top 10:

1- ehcubed - Damn man i use to make fun of him for the pitiful bash (he got rather offended at one point haha :p) but he has really pulled through i come back from my long break and hes top dog by a long shot, good stuff and a great player
2- Tybor - Active sniping of trains and shifting of D though like alot of unity having a hard time to go offensive still a solid player from the plays im seeing/hearing about.
3- jrae123 - I dont like this guy he sabs all my attempts to noble into unity core abusing the crap outta it and its annoying haha hes a backline player so i dont hear much from/about him tbh
4- PM00 - A leader with Descott My Bad and myself, good dude great player nice bash and kept active all this time well done good sir ;) i will try to catch ya again haha
5- pacothewaco - Silent type is right hes always lurking in our chats though hehe good player
6- Draedlord - Draed and i ran alot of ops earlier in the world when we were pushing through some tribes as !AC agressive player like myself and love workin with him
7- smallTOTEM - small has come a LONG WAY since we recruited her in early !AC days with her broken english and everything haha was prolly the most annoying player at one point but wow how she has grown into a force that shouldnt be underestimated. Prolly one of our most improved players on this world. Well done
8- dweisser2001 - activity issues prolly realizes world is over? I dunno him very well though
9- Yendor103 - not much to say here even though hes pretty close to me haha but active player and solid form
10- Longsword - actually dont know much about him as hes on other side of world from me but see him pipe up every once in awhile on forums etc seems cool.

Gotta work my way back up here bleh so much work/activity required haha :p but yea theres my opinion on top 10
hehe shekel you are a fun killer !! c'mon don't be shy :p here i did a Top 10 Bash points players too for you .... not because i'm in the list :rolleyes:


btw see you back to your pack ... W1N really did't fit you


i had to donate my 200 million resources for the tribe skills