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Mods, please initiate domination, victory percentage has been reached.


InActive should now be over 97% of the top 10 tribes total villages, so please lock and end the world.

I sent a farewell message to Unity before disbanding, and a congratulatory message to pm00 as well.

Congratulations to InActive for winning a long and hard-fought war among tribes!

Congratulations to Unity members for sticking with the fight for so long.

This has been a great world and I look forward to future worlds!


Man and i was just getting my foothold established in the front :p


I think the old unity players should not get any crowns if they finished in the top 3 postions as they have caused this world to end. It feels like they only ended disbanded so the players in the top 3 or 10 will get something out of this world. if they had not they will still have lost
so mods please bear this in mind as tribeless players should get anything from this game.
Just my view thou


i don't think it says anything in there about players getting crowns for rank, but if that is the case i don't see how they wouldn't be entitled to it


Yeah they made no mention of awards by rank, only 200 crowns for winning tribe. Thanks though mark Tybor and I didn't work hard for our ranks or anything.


not just that but you two, have been 2 and 3 for well over a month, it's not like you guys got there yesterday and then disbanded


Actually on some other worlds (eg. Brazillian worlds) rank 1 player gets 1.5k crowns, rank 2 gets 1k crowns and rank 3 gets 500 crowns. Same system is applied to the top 3 attackers. So yes, you do get rewarded for top 3 in rank and attackers.


That's the link to their Hall of Fame page for that world. Just use the google translate button and it'll translate the page for you.


Hell, Unity players should get a bonus for putting the server out of it's misery. The mega merger killed the server, we just buried it. $6.24 in crowns to each member of IA for a year of playing. Gratz


Thanks for all for making this world interesting. I know I was a big part of bringing this world to the end with the merger. I apologize for that. I did what was best for my tribe at the time. Tybor, Shek Jrae you guys were great players! In the end Inactive simply had more larger players than Unity. I enjoyed the competition!!! It was fun.

The game has improved since we first started playing it almost a year ago. I hope it continues to do so.

My Bad


I can finally reply, the war was amazing, planning out victory since 300 points! I got what i earned. 2,000,000 bashpoints all made from UNITY's villages, hehehahah! And got my crown for i deserve :3, thanks for the wars and lets keep killing of UNITY's new tribes!


I can finally reply, the war was amazing, planning out victory since 300 points! I got what i earned. 2,000,000 bashpoints all made from UNITY's villages, hehehahah! And got my crown for i deserve :3, thanks for the wars and lets keep killing of UNITY's new tribes!
heheheheh ok m80


I can finally reply, the war was amazing, planning out victory since 300 points! I got what i earned. 2,000,000 bashpoints all made from UNITY's villages, hehehahah! And got my crown for i deserve :3, thanks for the wars and lets keep killing of UNITY's new tribes!

AIDZ all you did this game was talk trash and switch tribes 40 times, congratulations!


Jrae you need a chill pill this is a friends account currently what I account share on, my other actual account has 6 mil bash points with 96 villages.


Jrae you need a chill pill this is a friends account currently what I account share on, my other actual account has 6 mil bash points with 96 villages.

So you're admitting to having multiple accounts, violating the game rules?