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Leeds Castle En0W5 Church


Hi, I've been making a plan for building an offensive base and had a few questions. Since attacking out of your little area your combat effectiveness goes down to 50%, my way of getting around this is to upgrade the Statue to lvl 5 in order to "no longer recieve a 50% battle malus" when attacking in another province.
So basically, when attacking with a paladin, I may as well have a church in the province I'm attacking? However, would I get an even better bonus if I had both the church and lvl 5 statue?


No you wont. Of you have a church and attack somebody in the province with the church you Will still only get 100% faifaityou won't have 200% for having the statue and the pally(statue lvl 5)


Ok thank you for the reply. I'm pretty new to the game so I'm still working things out :)