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End of the Realm Dún Libhse (EN82)


Tribal Wars 2 Team
Dear players,


The realm Dún Libhse (EN82) has come to an end, since the endgame condition was achieved. We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate all players and the winning tribe.


• Each member of the winning tribe will get 200 crowns!
• The top 3 players on Victory Points/ Points will get 1500, 1000 and 500 crowns, respectively!
• The top 3 players on Total Bash-points will get 1500, 1000 and 500 crowns, respectively!

The tribe Six Feet Under fulfilled all expectations and won this Realm. Check, below, the winners of this realm.

Top 3 Players on Victory Points/ Points
1. carrot52;
2. sch13;
3. andraus.

Top 3 Players on Total Bash-points
1. sch13;
2. tonsyfar;
3. chickennn.

Winning Tribe of this Realm - Six Feet Under
The Real War
fish go m00
Space Vixen
Nechtan I
tartaruga ninja
T he M an iS back00

The registration on this realm has been disabled.
In case you find any issue with the prize or have any question about it, do not hesitate in contacting the support team so we can help you as fast as possible - you have 7 days to do so.

With best regards,
Your Tribal Wars 2 Team.
Imagine making a concerted effort to ban a tribe's top 10 repeatedly, a dozen or so times, and you still can't prevent the tribe from winning. Y'all at inno are complete clowns. Maybe the spear bans don't do anything but frustrate and annoy players and chase them away from your game and it's time to try something new :)
Well done everyone
That was a gruelling slog last few months. Time for a hiatus..... if this game ever fixes its issues let me know, hopefully I'll be free might be waiting a long time I'm guessing
Hey Lambchopzz !!

Remember me?

In case you have forgotten .. Tzschocha (EN46)

I'm back ... and I'm hungry for some Poutine !!

See you on the new world .. if you dare ;)

Veni Vidi Vici
It was from start strange but then really interesting and different world for me. Thank you all- Well done everyone- Love you all
we just won a dom world and are in the process of winning another. pls hold on for us random, we'll be with you in a few business days :/

Definatly dont remember who anon is. Probably someone who got destroyed in w46. His name isnt important if I cant remember it. He is cultist 2.0
we just won a dom world and are in the process of winning another. pls hold on for us random, we'll be with you in a few business days :/
Buddy .. you are the random lol.

Stop talking to me. I'm calling out Poutine and you were either a noob on EN46 or weren't there. I don't know you .. and unless you want to come and put your game where your mouth is, you aren't getting a response from me.

Didn't post the call out to talk to a forum troll. If you want a response from me .. accept the challenge and you'll get one pretty quick ;)

I'm not surprised you don't remember the competitor the name Poutine was chosen for Lambchopzz ... I took your entire tribe on by myself and you still couldn't beat me. I got bored after 6 months and moved on because the world was at an impasse. It was in 2018 and you never were too bright ;) You probably blocked it out from your memory because the beating you all took from me was so bad!

I haven't played since then, so it's easy for me to remember pwning you all. It was so much fun I want to do it again.

Sith Out.
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Buddy .. you are the random lol.

Stop talking to me. I'm calling out Poutine and you were either a noob on EN46 or weren't there. I don't know you .. and unless you want to come and put your game where your mouth is, you aren't getting a response from me.

Didn't post the call out to talk to a forum troll. If you want a response from me .. accept the challenge and you'll get one pretty quick ;)

I'm not surprised you don't remember the competitor the name Poutine was chosen for Lambchopzz ... I took your entire tribe on by myself and you still couldn't beat me. I got bored after 6 months and moved on because the world was at an impasse. It was in 2018 and you never were too bright ;) You probably blocked it out from your memory because the beating you all took from me was so bad!

I haven't played since then, so it's easy for me to remember pwning you all. It was so much fun I want to do it again.

Sith Out.
My first world was EN61 you monkey. Nice "you aren't getting a response from me" as you've just written me a paragraph. You definitely seem like a normal, intelligent person.
So you didn't win the world? So like. You aren't actually as good as you're claiming because you still lost. Cool man! I don't need to put my money where my mouth is because I play in and am in leadership of the best tribe on EN. :)
You're very much a random.