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EN74 - Realm Competitions!


New World, New Competitions!


For the launch of Vianden we have prepared some fun races with great rewards. Compete against other players and claim the prize in person if you dare!

The Call to Arms

Objective: To be the first, second or third to have an army consisting of at least 7,500 Provisions (across all villages).

1st Prize: 750 Crowns
2nd Prize: 500 Crowns
3rd Prize: 250 Crowns

The Questing Knight

Objective: To be the first, second or third to get 500 Quest Points.

1st Prize: 750 Crowns
2nd Prize: 500 Crowns
3rd Prize: 250 Crowns

The Sprawling Empire

Objective: To be the first, second or third to achieve 3 Victory Points.

1st Prize: 750 Crowns
2nd Prize: 500 Crowns
3rd Prize: 250 Crowns

The Warlord

Objective: To be the first, second or third to achieve 100,000 Total Bash Points.

1st Prize: 750 Crowns
2nd Prize: 500 Crowns
3rd Prize: 250 Crowns

Competition Rules:

The rules are few and simple!

First of all, the game rules apply here too, i.e. only one account per player is allowed and it is forbidden to create accounts only to reach a goal faster. Should such a situation arise, the players who have broken the rules will be disqualified from the match and action will be taken against the accounts involved.

Post a screenshot to prove that you have achieved the goal. Winners will be selected based on the time they posted the result, so if you hit a goal but don't post the screenshot right away you could lose your reward! The screenshot must be posted by the direct player concerned, not by others (no exceptions).


Player A reaches the goal first. Player B comes second and Player C third.
Player C posts his result first, then Player B does so too. Player A hasn't posted anything on the forum.
Player C wins the competition, because he reached the goal and posted his result first. Player B gets second prize and Player A doesn't win any prizes because he didn't post a screenshot.

All screenshots will be verified prior to the announcement of the winners, to ensure a smooth competition and a clean playing environment for each of the players involved.

Good luck to all!

Note: For questions, concerns, clarifications, or comments, feel free to pm myself, or another moderator directly.

Good luck to all and have fun

Tribal Wars 2 Staff​
Idk if you were first or if i was even second but will go with it.lol
Screenshot 2022-04-07 9.32.52 PM.png


  • Screenshot 2022-04-07 9.31.38 PM.png
    Screenshot 2022-04-07 9.31.38 PM.png
    175 KB · Views: 98
First to 100 k bash--but sceenshot not working--maybe phone app problem

Sorry tryed-again to screenshot not working for me--been nearly 12 hrs now-- its not like player B has come on claiming the prize everyone can see in the world I have 100K+bash points--And the winner is --NooNoo

@NooNoo i hope they allow that i share the screen for u
@modrator, here by i share for NooNoo From DOA in world 74 a screen showing his bash point, for his reward,
i hope this is allowd :)
have a nice day !


Yeah, I'll allow this. Thanks for the screenshot :)


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