The world has 1508 players.
TSO already have 98 members - safe to assume a MRT, though with a strong presence south-east, they are rather bunched up
-D- have 63 members - another MRT, seem to be spread primarily south-west and north-east, two clusters may not be good for them
WOW have 48 members, they merged early on with a tribe called atlantic, who id assumed were a small band of fighters. However now 11 of WOWs members are in one province. Im starting to think its another MRT type tribe, just maybe not as bad as the others. Primarily based in the north west.
END have 65 members - another MRT, spread in all dircetions but primarily north east and southeast outside the core.
tco have 45 members - they were in #2 when i first started and i had put them down as MRT back then, i see nothing to change that. mainly based south-west.
OTS have 25 members I may be a bit biased, but this tribe is the first small skilled tribe in the list, a few good reputations, a tribe to watch. mostly based in the north-west.
NOH has 35 members - alot of these players restarted in the last couple days to give them a strong rim presence.
A-I has 26 members - could be another like OTS, though i dont recogise any names. Mostly based north-east, good spread, not too close, not too far. Another to watch.
unt has 25 members - another small tribe maybe wanting to be a powerhouse, I recognise one name i wasnt impressed with in previous worlds, but one man does not make the tribe. Spread throughout the west, so may be too spread out for a big impact.
TUN has 18 members - again a smaller tribe, potentially good, but no names I recognise. Spread through the south east, spilling into south west and north east. again with so few members this spread could be detrimental.
I wont bother breaking this down as its too early to know. I assume most players are on top either due to crowning, or starting earlier.. Mostly you can use the tribe breakdown to analyse this for yourself