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The complete story of EN Winterstein!


Just a little word from me...

@Lol.ita if you truly had a problem with the merge and that it was against your values and believes on how the game should be played you would have never joined Noobs in the first place...(if you didn't join them...I didn't check to much effort) wait it was your tribe they merged into...surely you saw what was happening and would have left immediately

Just a little tidbit about cheating...If you are against it, then you must report it even if it is players in your own tribe, if you don't report them then you can't really complain about other tribes doing the same now can you. Sure we all believe that everyone has a heart and maybe they didn't know that what they were doing was wrong...so give them a warning if you want, but only one... no need to drag it out.


If you believe someone is cheating, please put in a ticket. Name everyone involved. Explain the kind of cheating you're seeing and give what evidence you have to support your claim. We will fully investigate.


NOOBS ruined this world from merging, I complained about this but got shot down by all the NOOBS members. You merged the top 3 ranking tribes together, then recruited the top players from Titan Point (another top 10 tribe) you then also took in all the actives from Ao1 and you then went on to merge with YAK. Absolute joke of TW playing.


NOOBS ruined this world from merging, I complained about this but got shot down by all the NOOBS members. You merged the top 3 ranking tribes together, then recruited the top players from Titan Point (another top 10 tribe) you then also took in all the actives from Ao1 and you then went on to merge with YAK. Absolute joke of TW playing.

Thats 6 or 7 members in total who left their dead tribes seeking active players/Tribe so we welcomed them and if you recall it was a vote.so pls stop. Btw tell people also how you insulted half the members and noon reported you or anything ,we even gave you a nap when you left and noon attacked you. You started the war cuz your "Smart & experienced" always braged and argued. You got wiped fast cuz guess what you had the lowest armys we ever saw,a shame for a "experienced" player. People from which huba and me protected you when you left enyojed nobling you.As our wise Slovak man huba sayed in the start,you are all talk and cant play at all. Oh yes tell people how you were a girl with a child, then when all started hating you ,you msged me saying "im a man who tests and does research on online browser games,few days later your a girl again. You lie and you dont know better ,i feel sorry for you honestly. Thats all from me,if someone doesnt belive me or anything i think i have all the msgs left


Damn the inactivity problem must have reached New levels. 6 or 7 players joining when you have merged with most of the realm. Please let med Know if i missed something


Thats 6 or 7 members in total who left their dead tribes seeking active players/Tribe so we welcomed them and if you recall it was a vote.so pls stop. Btw tell people also how you insulted half the members and noon reported you or anything ,we even gave you a nap when you left and noon attacked you. You started the war cuz your "Smart & experienced" always braged and argued. You got wiped fast cuz guess what you had the lowest armys we ever saw,a shame for a "experienced" player. People from which huba and me protected you when you left enyojed nobling you.As our wise Slovak man huba sayed in the start,you are all talk and cant play at all. Oh yes tell people how you were a girl with a child, then when all started hating you ,you msged me saying "im a man who tests and does research on online browser games,few days later your a girl again. You lie and you dont know better ,i feel sorry for you honestly. Thats all from me,if someone doesnt belive me or anything i think i have all the msgs left
I have no idea what you're on about or who you think I am. I had no leadership role in TCW at all and no contact with you or huba the whole time I was on the world .....


I have no idea what you're on about or who you think I am. I had no leadership role in TCW at all and no contact with you or huba the whole time I was on the world .....

I think that was meant for lol.ita not you


Damn the inactivity problem must have reached New levels. 6 or 7 players joining when you have merged with most of the realm. Please let med Know if i missed something

not sure how having 160 players is most of the realm. plus those 6 or 7 players joined from dying tribes way before the last merge


Im just curious how tribe nr 2, 3+ some other players have ended at 6-7 active players. Rest of their tribe was dead as it been told here. But i might figure it out if i look at some stats


@JD.. something. I tried to stop the merge and that they recruit more and more players. At last i give 600 coins anf go. Too much shame in this tribe.

They "defeat" me from dead accs and now its a fun for me to read the cryings of the cheaters via pm uf i say: boooo, i report you.

Abd Mr. Moderator: Innogames gives tje cheaters coop for using dead-accs, thanks for that or what u tjink the people do with coop?


Always some excuse for getting beaten. It is never your fault is it lol.ita.


Steve. We know now that you are a fan of unfair gameplay and rule-breaking. Why you repeat it every post?


Someone should write up the real complete story of winterstein. Personally I can't be bothered


I will write up the real complete story of winterstein:
The world started, some tribes formed. some wars were fought some tribes merged/disbanded/died. some players got banned (for reasons I do not know specifically), Some more wars were fought and tribes reconfigured again. the world went into domination, the world ended with one tribe being declared the winner (I know this last one has not yet happened, but I am sure it will)


Steve. We know now that you are a fan of unfair gameplay and rule-breaking. Why you repeat it every post?

Again you have yet to provide any proof, and as you talk complete bollocks most of the time why would i believe what you say. Aso have you reported this rule breaking yet? My guess is no, which would mean you support rule breaking not me. The only thing I repeat constantly with you is report cheating.


You are wrong. No wars. Only winning by merging. If the top4 tribes merge and defeat a few players called - the rest of the schützenfest - its no war


The Noobs sends attacks from accs like Emeldin or terrorgiggles. And now look in the stats Stevie Boy.


Reporting for what? Innogames gives the players coop for cheating and dont stop it. And everyone knows it Stevie. Without you.


so you support cheating then... fair enough that is your choice. I may not agree with all the punishments (or lack of) by moderators but I still report cheating when I know of it. That way I make my stand against it and abide by the rules


You are wrong. No wars. Only winning by merging. If the top4 tribes merge and defeat a few players called - the rest of the schützenfest - its no war
No wars? Doesnt even sound like we've been playing on the same world