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Spanish domination server (INTERNATIONAL)

Hurt, we dont need to convince them, they keep playing worlds where they basically dupping and sending attacks to inactives.

Well played guys! u won because of betrays, cheats and bug. Enjoy closing it.


is there a chrome extension that auto translates everything or do i have to use google translate for everything lol
i got all of next week off work too
it says registration temporary disabled
Says the tribe that called EN75 a competitive world, lul. You played against Fun-time and Valkus on ipads my friend. Spanish server already has more experienced tribes then every single EN sever combined for the last 2 years an yet here you are avoiding it. Surprised, no.

Looking really good to be fair, the legendary tribes MOSKITOS and IRMANDADE PORTUGUESA, just missing the FRENCH BAGUETTES and the ENGLISH HOOLIGANS and it can be the most competitive server this game ever seen XDDDDD

And I'm not avoiding it Im just too busy noobling all your villas, you know the ones you took 4 months building, thanks btw

Looking really good to be fair, the legendary tribes MOSKITOS and IRMANDADE PORTUGUESA, just missing the FRENCH BAGUETTES and the ENGLISH HOOLIGANS and it can be the most competitive server this game ever seen XDDDDD

And I'm not avoiding it Im just too busy noobling all your villas, you know the ones you took 4 months building, thanks btw

And what insanely competitive servers have you won, recently? Ahhh I forgot you prefer to fight inactives and the elderly.

Your avoiding it but thanks for making it clear. Your avoiding it by spending time playing tumble weed servers getting hyped from nobling villages from me who's currently been AFK for coming close to about a month now?


What an L, for you.
is there a chrome extension that auto translates everything or do i have to use google translate for everything lol
i got all of next week off work too
it says registration temporary disabled

Registration only gets open when you apply directly to the mods or something along the lings of that due to some serious alting lol... message wak on discord tho he knows more and it was him and his buddy's who arranged this server a good few months back.
And what insanely competitive servers have you won, recently? Ahhh I forgot you prefer to fight inactives and the elderly.

Your avoiding it but thanks for making it clear. Your avoiding it by spending time playing tumble weed servers getting hyped from nobling villages from me who's currently been AFK for coming close to about a month now?


What an L, for you.

This forum warriors are so funny, if only you spent less time in the forum and more time actually playing the game

Forum warrior timeline:

Disbands tribe and quits when he sees he has a real challenge
Sees banned players, gets false hope and returns
Remakes tribe
Nobles banned players and thinks he is going to win
No banned players left and the realization he cant actually fight real players starts to settle in
Asks TABU to merge to have a chance and brags its going to be easy win because they are way ahead in numbers and in villas
Asks every old player he knows to make an account to come help him in the server
Can't take a single active villa from Memers for over a month and an half while loosing villas daily
Asks tribe members to be patient and hopes for new bans to come
Bans never come

This forum warriors are so funny, if only you spent less time in the forum and more time actually playing the game

Forum warrior timeline:

Disbands tribe and quits when he sees he has a real challenge
Sees banned players, gets false hope and returns
Remakes tribe
Nobles banned players and thinks he is going to win
No banned players left and the realization he cant actually fight real players starts to settle in
Asks TABU to merge to have a chance and brags its going to be easy win because they are way ahead in numbers and in villas
Asks every old player he knows to make an account to come help him in the server
Can't take a single active villa from Memers for over a month and an half while loosing villas daily
Asks tribe members to be patient and hopes for new bans to come
Bans never come

View attachment 3997

It also shows how little you actually know of went on but for those who've played with me and kept in the loop I've barely touched the game in weeks if not months.

Firstly - It was the tribes choice to disband (not mine)

Secondly - Vik remade the tribe (not me)

Oh! One thing you got right in this entire pointless post is that I returned to merged with Tabu but within the next day I was on holiday using 3g dongle in Congo.

Also when did I say I was playing the Spanish server? I'm not, I don't have time nor do I want to play.

However it looks and is the best server I've seen in years and anyone who argues different is just avoiding competitions but I understand that's all you know on this game, avoidance.

Also you might wanna update your re-used meme bank of the same 4 images, getting old bud.

Enjoy TW2.

Last edited by a staff member:
Dead world.
Already finish it.

Polish guys come making cheats. They have a way to enter in the code game, and add troops, resources, nobles...etc
Also, they know a way to buy cheap crowns. So, if 6k crowns = 60€, they can buy in less 20€

pay4Win, and cheating.

tw2 is dead