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My Top 5


Hello All,

With the world ending, can we all post names of the top 5 players we have played with ?

It could be players both on your side and the other side.

Here's my list.

1) djp8 - A sharp tactician, an amazing teamplayer and a brilliant defender. (Ally)
2) Darkvampy - An outstanding team player. (Ally)
3) Zombiecat - A merciless attacker (Ally)
4) random murders - A good defender and very sharp timer while attacking (Enemy)
5) JupiterX - Well.. we had some good fights. (Enemy)



Hey all
my meow list....
1) djp8
2) Fire
3) Sidney the Baron
4) Random Murders et.al ( TEN...enemy....it was a long battle to the end. Well done
5) WonderBoy Ninja ( very TENacious till the end)


I Can make a list but it Will be based on ash members because i dont know so much about the origin ten members. I didnt used so much time inn tribe matters after the merge

1. Manajha. Ob tells evrything and i happend to know that he is infact better inn defence.
2. Firedominatrix extremly skilled defence player.
3. Sneksinnej started as a noob but ended up as an pretty decent player. He had 100-1000 incomings every Day for 2 months and didnt loose more than 6-7 villas.
4. Shrimpuff allround player that managed to handle more or less everything without support
5. To sett 1 enemy player at this list i belive that sholder be Bosswoghorty or something. Im not to impressed by the enemy players i was up against but he could atleast put together a decent stack inn a villa. Rest of the enemy players around me was mostly barbnoblers.


My top 5 from people I know (so people near me)

1. Carrot. He was highest points but defenetly deserved it always helped the tribe wherever he could and was one of the best Tribeleaders I have seen in tw2.
2. Weissdorn (We hold of so many attacks every day and helping each other out as co-op also awesome to talk to ^^ )
3. Gandzhars, Riccardo III and theOutcast these where my main enemies when I was back in ASH great attackers and gave me a challenge each and every day. (I can't really tell who was best so I put all 3 of them here)
4. Benjaminus (Great teamwork and player overal)
5. Zakereno (Some great squad leading)


Nice.. I can read these stories with no bias now that this world has ended :)


interesting reading......as far as i am concerned most TEN and ASH players were massive Barb noblers, just check the stats.
However they were faster at it than anyone else, so congrats on the Win