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Map or Gaillard


mate ...English worlds are short very very short....In the the German world (DE09) which started at the beginning of 2015 we still playing and for me to pass time I have finished two English worlds and it seems this will be the 3rd while we still have a while to go on the Germ world


The amount of active players also dropped a lot the last year. I also think a lot of people prefer their regional servers, perhaps the international servers are a bit scary at first.




So... It has been a week since I put the last map up and honestly, at first glance, it doesnt look like much has changed at all! However, on closer inspection there are some subtle differences. (Though no new tribe has pushed its way into the top ten yet)

Lets begin with the ranking:
1 - Domination (Up one place)
2 - Nobles (Down one place)
3 - Game of Thrones (Up one place)
4 - KamiKaze (Up one place)
5 - Brotherhood of Tribesman (Down two places)
6 - the red dragon (No movement)
7 - Cavalheiros Sanguinarios (Up two places)
8 - Primo Victoria (Down one place)
9 - Recruiter of Tribesman (Down one place)
10 - Gathering Tribesman (No movement)

Just that alone helps you see the subtle differences. If there was a tribe of the week, I feel it should go to Cavalheiros Sanguinarios for that +2 despite what I said about them circling the rim. With the added information of them having their late start up, these guys are definitely one to watch going forward.

Looks like KKz have been flushing out the NBL in their middle area which is where I presume their +1 has come from. I belive KKz and DMN are currently not fighting each other so no worries about that middle section for KKz currently.

GoT - also up one place this week - seem to have had a little growth spurt on the west side of the map. That is 3 areas they are fighting from now so the possiblity of having enemies quite literally all around them depending on the dimplomatic staus with everyone.

The big loss this week goes to BOT. This is also the most notible difference on the two maps so far. Where did those BOT members go?!?! Well, it looks like DMN, GoT and NBL all got a little slice of these guys. I expect them to fall futher if I am honest. We shall see if they proove me wrong or not.

The other Tribesman tribes - both at the bottom of the table - don't appear to have done much at all. Would be nice to see a different tribe other than a Tribesman tribe creep into the top ten next week.

Finally, The big ones, DNM and NBL. somthing I didnt mention last week was the core, with DMN are... well... they're dominating! I have been informed that DMN are winning this fight and to be honest, the fact that they are now number one shows some truth in this matter. I dont have a full weeks worth of results but DMN are gaining in villages, bashpoints and all sorts according to the stats pages.
NBL (14/01/2018) DMN (14/01/2017)
PLayers 110 (108) 96 (93)
Villages 507 (483) 656 (603)
Points 1,494,843 (1,340,749) 2,154,793 (1,814,014)
OFF BP 4,591,137 (4,482,052) 10,789,673 (9,390,527)
DEF BP 3,569,158 (2,980,580) 3,322,119 (3,066,314)

It is clear from the above that DMN is moving ahead at a rather quick rate. Unfortunately, this is only 3 days worth of stats so we shall see with bigger time gaps exactly what is going on there.

Lets all see what next Wednesday brings. Hopefully we will see some new additions to the top ten by then! :)


Cheers. and I will! it is quite fun to do to be honest! :) I just need to find a better way to display the stats near the bottom as apparently this website doesn't like when you add extra space! lol


perhaps screenshot it and add it as an image, like you do with the map. windows cutting tool is really useful for that and is already installed on your pc automatically (if you have windows 10, don't know about other versions )


A fantastic idea, I always forget about the cutting tool. cheers :)


Lol i love how Prakaveich still thinks that hes going to win The World First of i most congratulate NBL's in there Achievements in this world They have gotten Defender of the day 48 times out of 49 which says a lot they know how to stack a village haha but i must congratulate DMN My tribe for having Assaulter of the day and assaulter of the Week for well, every week ahahah .Nobels are dilutional they thing that with coins they can win well As you Army (nuke) Experienced today MR Praka your going to have to be Saudis Prince to be able to found a campaign against us especially me , Not only do we as a tribe have x2 more bash then you but with less players we have more villages and plz stop merging with every single tribe that's allied with you or you know what forget what i said that it makes it easier for us . Anyway without Jammer in your ranks (btw nice internaling from your part way to give all the food to your self and starve your tribe) will see how long you will last Plus i have made a few Adjustments to my tribe we have added 4 new players and one of them is Jhin if you dont know who this guy is well Good luck . And backstab you i was the one that offered you a merger and your guys attacked my dud after you backed out on your word About the merger. You feed lies to your people telling them we attacked you and joined forces with jalter which was the leader of SEN which was Simcitying all this time telling us that they would join our alliance just to Turn around and backstab us. If all you guys are going to do is defend and Merge with every tribe in this world then DMN and its allies are gonna eat you up like we have been doing all this time . Bash Points Speak for themSelves Where are yours at uhmmmm o_O i am Personally challenging you in front of this World, you know what This Complete game every single server and calling you out on your BS and if you think you can do anything about it come try me Ill show you How To lead Your people And not hide Behind your Dads Wallet .
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Lol i love how Prakaveich still thinks that hes going to win The World First of i most congratulate NBL's in there Achievements in this world They have gotten Defender of the day 48 times out of 49 which says a lot they know how to stack a village haha but i must congratulate DMN My tribe for having Assaulter of the day and assaulter of the Week for well, every week ahahah .Nobels are dilutional they thing that with coins they can win well As you Army (nuke) Experienced today MR Praka your going to have to be Saudis Prince to be able to found a campaign against us especially me , Not only do we as a tribe have x2 more bash then you but with less players we have more villages and plz stop merging with every single tribe that's allied with you or you know what forget what i said that it makes it easier for us . Anyway without Jammer in your ranks (btw nice internaling from your part way to give all the food to your self and starve your tribe) will see how long you will last Plus i have made a few Adjustments to my tribe we have added 4 new players and one of them is Jhin if you dont know who this guy is well Good luck . And backstab you i was the one that offered you a merger and your guys attacked my dud after you backed out on your word About the merger. You feed lies to your people telling them we attacked you and joined forces with jalter which was the leader of SEN which was Simcitying all this time telling us that they would join our alliance just to Turn around and backstab us. If all you guys are going to do is defend and Merge with every tribe in this world then DMN and its allies are gonna eat you up like we have been doing all this time . Bash Points Speak for themSelves Where are yours at uhmmmm o_O i am Personally challenging you in front of this World, you know what This Complete game every single server and calling you out on your BS and if you think you can do anything about it come try me Ill show you How To lead Your people And not hide Behind your Dads Wallet .
BTW Tell Jalter The Cowboys Are Coming
wanna hear a joke?
blue blood is exceptionally comparable to uncultured savages these days

im feeling like a hamburger but this one's supposedly 46-47 years old, it doesn't look very appetizing anymore


Wann hear a poem

I know a cute kitty who is a he or maybe a IT but wants to be a she that has been banned from two worlds for having double accounts, and yet with no shame shows up purring for more milk , I have to ask what name does IT play by today.....Anna...or queen Ann
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Praka your going to have to be Saudis Prince to be able to found a campaign against us
He could just be that from his previous boasts of crowning to be honest!

Bash Points Speak for themSelves Where are yours at
This is so so true. You guys are miles ahead in that department

Other than that, It is nice to see this thread has picked up a bit more steam now. Glad to see others here as well


that is correct..merge will not help those ex-Got players down South


I wonder how long before the tribesman merge will happen. They will have to merge at some point right ?


pretty sure you can talk about this in your tribe forum cant you?

and with every world on both TWs it isnt over until its over


well to be honest for now DMN is still one step ahead to Nobles since im in the middle of there fucking war :D