So... It has been a week since I put the last map up and honestly, at first glance, it doesnt look like much has changed at all! However, on closer inspection there are some subtle differences. (Though no new tribe has pushed its way into the top ten yet)
Lets begin with the ranking:
1 - Domination (Up one place)
2 - Nobles (Down one place)
3 - Game of Thrones (Up one place)
4 - KamiKaze (Up one place)
5 - Brotherhood of Tribesman (Down two places)
6 - the red dragon (No movement)
7 - Cavalheiros Sanguinarios (Up two places)
8 - Primo Victoria (Down one place)
9 - Recruiter of Tribesman (Down one place)
10 - Gathering Tribesman (No movement)
Just that alone helps you see the subtle differences. If there was a tribe of the week, I feel it should go to Cavalheiros Sanguinarios for that +2 despite what I said about them circling the rim. With the added information of them having their late start up, these guys are definitely one to watch going forward.
Looks like KKz have been flushing out the NBL in their middle area which is where I presume their +1 has come from. I belive KKz and DMN are currently not fighting each other so no worries about that middle section for KKz currently.
GoT - also up one place this week - seem to have had a little growth spurt on the west side of the map. That is 3 areas they are fighting from now so the possiblity of having enemies quite literally all around them depending on the dimplomatic staus with everyone.
The big loss this week goes to BOT. This is also the most notible difference on the two maps so far. Where did those BOT members go?!?! Well, it looks like DMN, GoT and NBL all got a little slice of these guys. I expect them to fall futher if I am honest. We shall see if they proove me wrong or not.
The other Tribesman tribes - both at the bottom of the table - don't appear to have done much at all. Would be nice to see a different tribe other than a Tribesman tribe creep into the top ten next week.
Finally, The big ones, DNM and NBL. somthing I didnt mention last week was the core, with DMN are... well... they're dominating! I have been informed that DMN are winning this fight and to be honest, the fact that they are now number one shows some truth in this matter. I dont have a full weeks worth of results but DMN are gaining in villages, bashpoints and all sorts according to the stats pages.
NBL (14/01/2018) DMN (14/01/2017)
PLayers 110 (108) 96 (93)
Villages 507 (483) 656 (603)
Points 1,494,843 (1,340,749) 2,154,793 (1,814,014)
OFF BP 4,591,137 (4,482,052) 10,789,673 (9,390,527)
DEF BP 3,569,158 (2,980,580) 3,322,119 (3,066,314)
It is clear from the above that DMN is moving ahead at a rather quick rate. Unfortunately, this is only 3 days worth of stats so we shall see with bigger time gaps exactly what is going on there.
Lets all see what next Wednesday brings. Hopefully we will see some new additions to the top ten by then!