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Honest Review

I'm not sure what you want me to say. To have a civilized and productive discussion you need to provide facts and details, not he says she says. I am open minded if you have any concrete information to support your claims.
Your review is honest but I'm pointing out it is not correct. All the information you have posted up is from 3rd party sources with no validation is what I am saying.

You can't blindly believe what people say especially if they hate this game. Of course they will tell you misleading info like the game is dying, everyone is quitting, its not worth playing, etc... without anything to back it up. They didn't have fun playing the game so they are trying to gather a following, a cult of haters to destroy the game's reputation. This is a fun game, You are not going to win every fight and you are not going to win every world.

Enjoy the journey not the destination. Learn from each fight you get into and do better next time. If you keep calling everyone who beat you a cheater, a credit card abuser then where does the complain ends? At some point the lines that separate a legitimate player who is just better than you and cheater / coiner will blur if you keep using it as an excuse. Don't worry about what the other person is doing and focus on improving yourself is my advice.

Prime example in the old world, our tribemate keep being accused of being a cheater but that was not the case. The tribe we were fighting against had NO COORDINATION, they just keep sending brain dead attacks.

Our tribemate was very active and communicative with multiple co-ops. The account was watched all days and night and any incoming attacks was immediately tagged and asked for help when necessary. Our tribe was very organized and players are active. Supports were being immediately sent to villages that was in danger. They keep wiping their nukes and could not figure out why and come up with the conclusion that our tribemate was cheating. They didn't even bother to spy other tribemates to figure out where the troops was coming from and assume it all belongs to him.

Accusation like that can ruin someone's reputation and it was made very lightly and carelessly. That just seems very unfair to me.


Tribal Wars 2 Team
I actually really and truly like your comments BeepBoopsz2024 well taught out. That is how forum reader's and commentators should build a healthy and communicative forum.
Ok, which part of my review is not correct, and which information is from 3rd source, you must be specific?

All the below:

"And it also doesn't make sense for people who are f2p because you cant even defend, which means no reason to play."

"The p2w doesn't need to log in that often."

"There is a reason game has a low player base, why do you think that is?"

"That is the point its an old game, if the game has good design it should grow in player base over the years, not go down."

"As for the Raglan growing, when you make new account it automatically puts you in the newest world, does not mean players will stay."

" but overall old players are not playing the game."
Ok, before I start, that wasn't In the main review.
1."And it also doesn't make sense for people who are f2p because you cant even defend, which means no reason to play."

This is from the part of the context when you have a player that trains full nukes with bought resources and instant recruitment, while the free to play can't train troops that fast, not even to defend.

2."The p2w doesn't need to log in that often."

This is from the part of the context when the instant recruitment doesn't exist, and that p2w can just buy resources, put troops to train and log off.
Since in this scenario training takes time its more safer, and there is no need to log in constantly.

3."There is a reason game has a low player base, why do you think that is?"

True for this we don't have any specific statistics on this matter, this was from older players experience and statements.

4."That is the point its an old game, if the game has good design it should grow in player base over the years, not go down."

Debatable: League of Legends, has kept high player base, but new younger players are not coming, similar games PUBG, Fortnite, Counter Strike, Call of Duty, World of tanks, etc...

5."As for the Raglan growing, when you make new account it automatically puts you in the newest world, does not mean players will stay."

There is nothing misleading with this, you are put in the newest realm when you make the account for first time, it is designed that way.
We can see if the Raglan will get a lot of new people when the New world opens, which should be in 1-2 weeks?
True people from other realms can still join.

6." but overall old players are not playing the game."
True this from other peoples words/statements, as I haven't played the game for 10 years.
I hope this clears any misunderstandings, so we can continue with the main issue at hand.
The main issue, is the Rebuildable full nukes in less then 15-30 mins.

Now how is this achieved, lets see it step by step:

1. Buy Resources with Crowns (Gwendoline wheel)

2. Max the storage and farm, and build barracks to appropriate lvl to recruit the troops.(with crowns)

3. Use the resource packs to fill the storage, and put a big recruitment order of troops.

4.Use the instant recruit option for crowns.

Because the price doesn't scale accordingly, big orders are cheap (then if you would recruit them 200 at a time),
How cheap we need someone to post the results.

With this tactic p2w gets an advantage that f2p cant survive.
Disrupts the balance of the game greatly.

Did I miss something, or are you telling me this is not possible to do in the game?
1."And it also doesn't make sense for people who are f2p because you cant even defend, which means no reason to play."

- As stated before, free to play will have less options available to them obviously because they didn't pay for the extra service; however, that doesn't mean they cannot fight back. Defending in TW2 is more than just sending all your troops to a village and take the hit. As free players you have a lot of options available such as but not limited to: SNIPING the noble train, BACK-TIMING the nuke, DESTROY province CHURCH to decrease nuke's strength by half, PRE-NOBLE to TRAP the nuke then KILL IT and BACK-CAP the village. If played correctly, you could give the coiners a run for their money at 0 cost to you.

- This is also not a solo game, there is a reason tribes exist. Even without tribes a player can make personal alliances with those around them to help protect each others from bigger players or coordinate attacks together. You have a lot more options available as you reach out to other like minded active players.

2."The p2w doesn't need to log in that often."

- Not really true, the resources and what not can make their life easier. A rule of thumb is a lazy player will never be successful. Even as a pay to win player, you will grow a lot slower if you only rely on resources pack. You will grow much faster if you use the resources pack AND actively farm your arse off. There no such thing as too much resources.

- At mid to late stage of the game the so called P2W player will have to be active and constantly watch their village or they will be destroyed. As you grow bigger you become target of bigger fishes and bigger tribes. If you don't watch your village 24/7 you will not be able to tag incoming attacks accurately and now you are caught with your pants down not knowing which incoming train is the real or fake one. The player will also have to shift defenses around constantly to response to threats. If a tribe really want to take you out, you will get no rest. It will be non stop incoming attacks during the day, while you're at work, when you're eating, when you take a shower, while you're asleep. So no, it is not true that they don't have to login that often.

3."There is a reason game has a low player base, why do you think that is?"

- Well you already agreed with me. 3rd party here-say.

4."That is the point its an old game, if the game has good design it should grow in player base over the years, not go down."

- All the games you have listed are HUGE popular games that have HUGE funding, HUGE developer team and staff, HUGE advertising and PR, HUGE e-sport competition with HUGE prize pools that draws in HUGE crowds of viewers that would become the player base because lets face it, who doesn't get inspired after watching their favorite pro player dominate a tournament? While on the other hand, TW2 is a hole in the wall game. This genre of game in itself is not even comparable to the popularity of mainstream MOBA, FPS, MMORPG games...

5."As for the Raglan growing, when you make new account it automatically puts you in the newest world, does not mean players will stay."

- People always jump into the new world when it first open. The only people who would stay in the current worlds are those who are dedicated and aiming for world victory. Each new world is a fresh slate where they can fight for early game advantage and dominance. This is nothing new, it happens before and it will happen again but the player base is still the same. When Raglan come out, Quermanco population took a nose dive because everyone want to "start fresh". When Quermanco came out, the previous world before it also see a decrease in population. Why would people join a old world where tribes have already established dominance when they can get a better chance at winning on the new world?

6." but overall old players are not playing the game."

- You agreed with me on this one also. 3rd party here-say.

- However, I would like to add on to this to elaborate. One thing I think you have missed is that you are only looking at the population of the world you are playing in. You may have totally forgotten there are 3 other worlds that are open right now and there are still players there fighting for dominance and to win the world. The population from all active world should be tallied up together as the "player base" not just what you can see in the world you are currently playing in.

- There are also a lot of old players still around. I am not going to put out names but if you have played with them or fought against them before you will remember them. You HAVE to remember them because like it or not you will probably see them again in future worlds and most veterans keep a list of players they watch out and scan around for immediately when they join a world. You need to plan ahead to either contact them to team up or prepare to fight against them. One person you may recognize I believe would be Jhin. OG player, heard he played world 93 that ended recently.

- A lot of old players uses different names throughout the years they play. Different accounts because they either don't want to be recognized (smurfing) or they just lost access to their old accounts.

- A lot of old players take long break from the game after a world conclude. This doesn't mean they have quit playing completely. If you have played a world from beginning to end and fought hard for that win or end up loosing, its a exhausting experience. Having to manage 100+ villages, dealing with incoming attacks everyday, sending out attacks and fakes everyday, coordinating OPs and defenses everyday. Its not an exaggeration to say that this game can become a second job at later stages if tribes are fighting each others hard for that win. It is mentally and physically exhausting. It will drain you and you will need to take a break from the game afterward.
The main issue, is the Rebuildable full nukes in less then 15-30 mins.

Now how is this achieved, lets see it step by step:

1. Buy Resources with Crowns (Gwendoline wheel)

2. Max the storage and farm, and build barracks to appropriate lvl to recruit the troops.(with crowns)

3. Use the resource packs to fill the storage, and put a big recruitment order of troops.

4.Use the instant recruit option for crowns.

Because the price doesn't scale accordingly, big orders are cheap (then if you would recruit them 200 at a time),
How cheap we need someone to post the results.

With this tactic p2w gets an advantage that f2p cant survive.
Disrupts the balance of the game greatly.

Did I miss something, or are you telling me this is not possible to do in the game?

Yes, but?

At what cost? You're arguing about someone who have possibly spend over 200$ vs someone who spend 0.

Why would you be surprise at the advantage this gives them? As a free player won't you feel accomplished making someone empty their wallet to deal with you who have not spent a single dime? That is a win in my book.

If I was a free to play, I would milk the crap out of the coiner for all the money they have and go to sleep satisfied knowing I won at life.

Then again, I did mention that this game is not all about winning or losing. You're a free player, play it freely. Enjoy the game and why would you care if you can compete against these coiners? That like driving a regular ol' Toyota and racing a Lamborghini and cry about how unfair it is afterward... Those two things are just built different.