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Gwendoline's Game (Feedback)


Community Manager
Hello community!

Please use this topic to leave some feedback about the Gwendoline's games!
Stop pumping it out every god damn week!

Make a world without Gwen that is DOMINATION/RELOCATION.

Make Gwen give (x1) Nobleman, not (3) holy shit. (DONT INCLUDE THE x3 NOBLE and x2 NOBLE WTF??)

GET RID OF THE RE-ROLL FEATURE. This would drastically nerf Gwen while still pumping it out every week. OR INCREASE THE PRICE DOUBLE for re-rolls or increase price of Gwen. It's easier to take on a guy with 1 or two new villages, not 9.

Make sure to put in the tagline for the nobles that you must make 'coins' for them. You are screwing over new people who don't know the mechanics and end up stalling out their account from farming to get out of coin debt, making players not stick around. I have personally witnessed this probably over 10 times throughout the years.

Completely remove the item that gives a 'loyalty' cap increase, utterly useless, heard of Vasco's Scepter? Yeah.

I would be very surprised if anyone in INNO who manages TW2 would be anywhere near a mathematician, so let me remind you what your own game you designed revolves around; numbers/time. It's a numbers/time game and when someone has the ability to purchase nobleman (1 is fine, im talking 3-20, yes..i have seen people with 20 gwen nobles and over 5 x2 coin packets) it gives them an astronomical lead in the game. I can guarantee the people in charge of TW2 Gwen have never ever ever played a world and or seen the frenzy on populated worlds (yes we all know you target the pop'd DOM worlds with Gwen). If you did, you would be stomped into the dirt and wiped with ease. You would see the storm Gwen brings and the aftermath it creates. You as a member of the INNO games management community, holding such a position with hopefully lots of love for the game, would fix Gwen. Now, I don't work for INNO, but I can bet that there is either profit-sharing going on or you guys just don't care how bad you financially rigged this game.

Bring back polls, listen to the players, remember your roots. Tribal Wars wasn't built around the wealthy or meant to be an exclusive socioeconomic game, yet here we are; discussing finances, greed, and corruption on a European RTS Browser Game all because of a little ol' lass named Gwen.

Finally, I don't know who any of these mods are in TW2, but most of them were never players, if they were, not well liked or have any idea how the game works. Look at the guide Jhin created, not only did him and countless others (Zealot, Temple, etc.) create it, they made calculators and more FREE OF CHARGE.

Albeit, you guys strictly said 'unlicensed' product may only receive 'donations' if asked.

Stop having bookworms be MODS or decision makers and let the players, we have the experience and knowledge of how this game works 100x better than anyone else, dare I say, even the creators. We pour thousands of hours each year perfecting and crafting our gameplay, just for Gwen to FSU.

I have spent more than my fair share on Gwen and Crowns, yet I have seen little re-investment of it back into the game or a tax break that is. Therefore, I am challenging you right now INNO Games: Make next Gwen be directed towards a charity centered on the Big Brothers and Sisters International Organization (BBBSI.ORG) This way, it is an EN server charity in which multi-national communities would receive service. I have worked with them in my city and they help restore the cracks in society that get overlooked.

This is my feedback about Gwen and suggestions. If you don't agree with at least 1 thing here (directed at everyone), you are apart of the problem and need to get bent.

[ATTACHED BELOW]: Just a view of what I see every. single. world.

You are talking facts!!! @RomanImperi

The gwen is literally getting massively out of hand. It is coming up too often and the content of it is TOO valuable.

EDIT: I also respect and agree with your charity idea!
So who in support thought itd he funny to advertise a wheel item that says it gives multiple coins when in reality it only gives one total?
I went to support about that same issue. As per forum rules, we are not allowed to post our conversations on forums. So let me paraphrase.

Roman- *Addresses issue and misleading characteristics of business practices causing consumer loss, trust, and credibility on Gwen's Valentine's Wheel*

Inno- *Usual tactics shifting blame, ignoring issue at hand, and responding in questions not answers; the opposite of what support is supposed to do*

Roman- *Politely requests support ticket be closed*

Remember the old polish proverb: Inno Games cries out in pain as they strike you

(Note)- Inno thinks it's perfectly okay to use a stack of multiple coins as a image place holder for x1 coin, have it state "Add coins to your minted coins," and have the rarest/hardest item to chance be worth less than the uncommon tier wheel items.
1 coin was indeed disgusting

Inno rolling on office floor in laughter
Listening to troll a lol lol lol lol
It's not April.fools day yet Inno!!
