Buddy .. you are the random lol.
Stop talking to me. I'm calling out Poutine and you were either a noob on EN46 or weren't there. I don't know you .. and unless you want to come and put your game where your mouth is, you aren't getting a response from me.
Didn't post the call out to talk to a forum troll. If you want a response from me .. accept the challenge and you'll get one pretty quick
I'm not surprised you don't remember the competitor the name Poutine was chosen for Lambchopzz ... I took your entire tribe on by myself and you still couldn't beat me. I got bored after 6 months and moved on because the world was at an impasse. It was in 2018 and you never were too bright You probably blocked it out from your memory because the beating you all took from me was so bad!
I haven't played since then, so it's easy for me to remember pwning you all. It was so much fun I want to do it again.
Sith Out.
You're currently playing a dom world that consists of 0 competition.
This comparable to challenging a def and dumb kid to a fight.
I know you who are, I've played agasint you and your legit an above average wanna be ape.
Unsure if you've been living under a rock for the passed 2-3 years, there's only 1 premade left winning back to worlds.
Enjoy your boring filled world! When you have an actual tribe that's worth mentioning and a challenge that's interesting just @ us However please don't do it when we're in the middle of winning our 8th dom server in under 2 years.