What kind of builds are you considering using in TW2, considering the stats have been changed from TW1.
Syzygy05;n12506 said:Normally that would be the case except defense has a HUGE advantage over offense in this game.
skipperlipicus;n12455 said:I understand the need for defensive troops, but I can't believe the amount of players who only build defense. It's got to be so boring just waiting to get attacked. The funny thing is that a good offensive player can completely eclipse them in growth... So many people are just outright bad at this game.
ScienceReligion;n13137 said:70% defense villages here atm ... I'm fairly certain what you meant was start offensively and slowly transition into more defense.
If you keep going offensive heavy for a long period of time and after having 20 ish villages you end up being way to easy of a target for large players and you would never be able to support friendlies without taking huge risks.
daman12457;n13238 said:So what you are saying is this game is boring as ****, build times for troops and the whole idea of the church make this game drag out, and all in all it's pretty much midieval simcity turtle time.
ScienceReligion;n13273 said:What I'm saying without delving to much in my strats for this world is you start off very offensively for me that was first 6 villages 4 offense 2 defense (church) and transition into more defense in time. I tried to explain why you put more defense villages in time and that has nothing to do with "simcity" more to do with the most efficient way to sustain your growth really...
Growth can go both ways: negative (losing villages) and positive (taking villages) growth
At some point you meet players on the map that can take villages from you and if you are way to high on offense it's a joke for players with even a small amount of offense to take your villages off of you. Causing negative growth ... Building more defense then offense just is the best route for growing optimally after reaching a certain size.
You can go a simcity type play style like almost all the turtles everyone in the forums hate but it's not viable in the long run just keeps you alive for a bit longer.