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Search results

  1. Spanish domination server (INTERNATIONAL)

    Connnor, please, keep this mensage out of connorsStupidThings here I mean, its ok dont be enought brave for playing spanish world without cheating. When any1 say SFU everybody knowns what is equal
  2. Spanish domination server (INTERNATIONAL)

    jajajajaja traumatizated of what? i know how you are conor. Now the rest know and all know i had reason.
  3. Spanish domination server (INTERNATIONAL)

    Also, if you want to demostrate something, spanish international world will open in spanish server in 3 weeks, why you dont come and try to win? Maybe scared of MAJESTIC and my tribe?
  4. Spanish domination server (INTERNATIONAL)

    Hello! Yes, i lose a no important world. But you know something? En69 was the important one, the one demostrate that when SFU get any competition they lose because they big noobs.
  5. End of the Realm (Heidelberger Schloss)

    Is a good moment to take some vacations and go to play to spanish international server!! Also, need to confirm (but 75% they play) = 1 or 2 french tribes / polish tribe Maybe TABU go, and MAJESTIC also!! BTW congrats to wiinnners!
  6. Spanish domination server (INTERNATIONAL)

    If someone want get advice by discord, please go my perfil, i link there. Or mensage me (if supp deleted)
  7. Spanish domination server (INTERNATIONAL)

    Good mornings guys, soon in spanish servers will open a DOMINATION SERVER, that will be international. For now, 5 spanish tribes, 1 french top tribe, 1 russian tribe (ENT) and few more that need confirm, will join world. The idea is playing there the last big world we could make, as much...
  8. General Discussion Gwrych (EN85)

    This game is dead. dying little by little. They must close servers, and make internationals. For meeting mostly all people in few servers, and try to get bigger servers. A This also will make easy to detect cheats (more moderator in international = more vigilance)
  9. General Discussion Gwrych (EN85)

    So silent here. whats up guyssssssssssssssssssssss
  10. General Discussion Gwrych (EN85)
