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  1. General Discussion Sperlinga (EN97)

    Are you trying to ask him why he took a break or are you trying to find out how to cheat?
  2. General Discussion Sperlinga (EN97)

    @Elmerine wrong server name on the forum title.
  3. Honest Review

    Yes, but? At what cost? You're arguing about someone who have possibly spend over 200$ vs someone who spend 0. Why would you be surprise at the advantage this gives them? As a free player won't you feel accomplished making someone empty their wallet to deal with you who have not spent a single...
  4. Honest Review

    1."And it also doesn't make sense for people who are f2p because you cant even defend, which means no reason to play." - As stated before, free to play will have less options available to them obviously because they didn't pay for the extra service; however, that doesn't mean they cannot fight...
  5. New World

    If I have to guess this new world will probably be Domination... The two previous one before this is VP already.
  6. New World

    Just a little additional info from looking at the forum trend of previous worlds. Raglan forum created May 15, world start May 21 Quermanco forum created Apr 13, world start Apr 16 Peralada forum created Mar 9, world start Mar 12 If the forum / announcement post have not been created then...
  7. New World

    Guys... I believe I saw someone else said in a post somewhere: 1. If you look at the trend from previous world, the announcement post with world information and world date is always posted just a few day before the world starts. 2. The start time of the world is never publicized. Some said...
  8. Honest Review

    All the below: "And it also doesn't make sense for people who are f2p because you cant even defend, which means no reason to play." "The p2w doesn't need to log in that often." "There is a reason game has a low player base, why do you think that is?" "That is the point its an old game, if...
  9. Honest Review

    Your review is honest but I'm pointing out it is not correct. All the information you have posted up is from 3rd party sources with no validation is what I am saying. You can't blindly believe what people say especially if they hate this game. Of course they will tell you misleading info like...
  10. Honest Review

    It meant I was giving MY honest review of the state of the game. It seems that you don't very much like what I had to say.
  11. Honest Review

    I have never said that. Please don't put words in my mouth and slander me.
  12. Honest Review

    I'm not sure what you want me to say. To have a civilized and productive discussion you need to provide facts and details, not he says she says. I am open minded if you have any concrete information to support your claims.
  13. Honest Review

    That is unfortunate. I guess we'll both have a nice day since we can't have an "Honest Review"....
  14. Honest Review

    1. You are wrong. Game decrease with popularity over the years.. not increase.... I bet you can only name a handful of game that have a bigger concurrent player base in 10 years than when it first started. 2. New player are put in new world but you don't have to play the new world. You have...
  15. Honest Review

    Probably because its an old game and since it has come out there are many others game like it have been created and people like new things so they move to there? Tribal Wars 2 was released in 2014 which was 10 years ago. I myself have tried these other "newer" similar games but I have always...
  16. Honest Review

    No I'm going to be honest, I don't see a problem with it since I myself also sometimes crown to instantly build troops when the times call for it so I may be biased to the idea. It doesn't change the fact that Free To Play players are enjoying the game service without contributing anything to...
  17. Honest Review

    Still, I mean I don't really see the "problem" in here. They spend money to speed up their games play there not really a problem with that. They are paying for a service provided. There are a lot of other games out there that offer this option be it mobile or PC games. Take one of the most...
  18. General Discussion Raglan (EN96)

    Lets analyze the information you provided: You need a minimum level 15 barrack to make LC / MA and RAMs - Level 15 barrack build time: 1 LC = 5 minutes 1 MA = 6 minutes 15 seconds 1 RAM = 6 minutes 40 seconds Lets assume he own level 15 barracks on all 7 of those villages and are pumping...
  19. Honest Review

    We might want to clear up a misconception here: Crowning troops is different from queuing troops. We need to make this distinction clear so that the people who are reading the post doesn't mistakenly think that you can get as much troops as you want as long as you have crown to spend. That is...
  20. General Discussion Raglan (EN96)

    When you say full MA / LC mixed nuke, can I assume you mean a level 30 farm worth of provision nuke? That would normally be about 400 Rams and 5.5k+ LC or 400 Rams and 4.5k+ MA I am wondering if there a possible chance of you using the definition of a "Full" nuke loosely.