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Version 1.96


Troops should just visit player vils (like tw1 @ xmas) when Inno is doing updates.


The game is pretty much fucked for me right now, last 2 days farming has been a joke


So now we can't transfer resources? I feel like this could be some variety because you can't buy it. (you can but not in the same way).
It doesn’t happen all the time, but it happened to me recently when I sent resources between my villages and they didn’t come.


revenue is falling

TW2 community:
this game is just ptw I'm playing something else

here, have more ptw!

Black Out

I'd rather have inno turn around and have an ordinary domination world with relocation, capped tribe memberships (maybe 100, maximum) and zero Gwen events instead of more PTW content.

I feel that a bunch more players would return to play it and would actively invest in crowns for long term success rather than quick micro-transactions like Gwen that drove most players away (especially when she appears every 2 weeks, almost)

It would also be more useful to delay new worlds so it wouldn't be released every 6 weeks now players don't restart and regrow they simply world jump after being rimmed. Rather pathetic I think.

Inno have plenty of ways to boost revenue and bring back the older player base by returning the game to a more basic play style where even crowners had to work for a victory. Gwen giving out 1, 2 or 3 nobles and a sh*t ton of coins per village just let's players who are able to sink endless $$$ into the game win and obviously this is the only interest Inno has now.

Just typical Inno adding insult to injury for its current and active players. If they actually stopped and thought for a second they might realise what to do but no our good ol' Inno is only concerned about the bottom line and won't make active changes that players want.

Guess we'll see just how broken the game becomes for our dear wallet warriors when W54 drops.
There are changes going on, Idk about them, Im only a forum mod. I play as well - so I feel it too. It does get difficult because of how much crowing does, but again they pay for the servers.
I'd rather have inno turn around and have an ordinary domination world with relocation, capped tribe memberships (maybe 100, maximum) and zero Gwen events instead of more PTW content.

I feel that a bunch more players would return to play it and would actively invest in crowns for long term success rather than quick micro-transactions like Gwen that drove most players away (especially when she appears every 2 weeks, almost)

It would also be more useful to delay new worlds so it wouldn't be released every 6 weeks now players don't restart and regrow they simply world jump after being rimmed. Rather pathetic I think.

Inno have plenty of ways to boost revenue and bring back the older player base by returning the game to a more basic play style where even crowners had to work for a victory. Gwen giving out 1, 2 or 3 nobles and a sh*t ton of coins per village just let's players who are able to sink endless $$$ into the game win and obviously this is the only interest Inno has now.

Just typical Inno adding insult to injury for its current and active players. If they actually stopped and thought for a second they might realise what to do but no our good ol' Inno is only concerned about the bottom line and won't make active changes that players want.

Guess we'll see just how broken the game becomes for our dear wallet warriors when W54 drops.
well said.